Saturday, September 28

Paris and Phoenix don't want to look like anyone

Since she was 5 years old, París González was clear that she wanted to sing. Her father, who for years was part of music bands, and who later dedicated himself to teaching singing classes, had no qualms about teaching her daughter her trade. All this was happening while Phoenix, Paris’s younger sister, did not miss a detail of what was happening.

“I liked her a lot since I was a girl,” said Paris, of 16 years. “And over time my dad saw that I had initiative and taught me.”

“And since I was nosy there, I also got involved,” continued Phoenix, from 14 years.

What began as a way to survive, since the sisters went to sing on the San Felipe boardwalk, in Baja California, Mexico, to earn some money, over time it became a life project that now has them very busy. They are recording their debut album and recently released their first song, “Corazón alborotado”.

In this ranch style song they are accompanied by the singer Graciela Beltrán, who is a veteran in this business. The three of them met in Los Angeles to record the single.

“He gave us a lot of advice”, said París. “He told us to open up more to people, not to be ashamed to speak up, that it doesn’t matter that sometimes we make mistakes, that’s what this is all about.”

Although these girls were born in the United States United, they grew up on the Mexican border. However, three years ago they returned to live in Northern California after signing their first contract with a record label.

For now, the duo plans to record ranchera music, but has no plans to stop there.

“We are versatile, we sing about everything,” said París, who is in eleventh grade of high school. “From cumbia to mariachi, ballads, banda, norteñas, everything”.

To complete their career, their father is teaching them to play instruments; to Paris the accordion and to Phoenix, who is in eighth grade, the bass.

And although they admire many singers, they don’t want to be like anyone, they say.

“We have our own style; we do not imitate anyone,” Paris said. “We sing songs by the Jilguerillas or by Rocío Dúrcal, but in our own style”.


The sisters París and Phoenix debuted with ‘Corazón alborotado’, a ranch song in which Graciela Beltrán participates. Photo: Courtesy