Friday, September 27

Mexico City is getting ready for the 179th representation of the Passion of Christ in Iztapalapa after the pandemic

La Opinión

By: Real America News Updated 14 Apr 2022, 13: 27 pm EDT

The popular neighborhood of Iztapalapa, in the south of Mexico City, is preparing for the representation of the Stations of the Cross, a fervent tradition established more than a century and a half ago , that this 2022 has a hybrid format after two years of having been behind closed doors due to to the COVID pandemic-14.

The activities of the representation 179 of the Passion of Christ in Iztapalapa began on Sunday, with the staging of Palm Sunday which, due to the restrictions by the covid-19, was held behind closed doors like almost all events except for this Good Friday, where the Stations of the Cross will be open to the public.

Under normal conditions, every year Holy Week in this neighborhood brings together more than 1,000 actors, 100 horses, 115 bugles and fanfares, and about 2.5 million attendees who walk the main streets of the original neighborhoods of Iztapalapa.

However, for this 2022, the authorities expect the attendance of 1.5 million people for the representation of the Stations of the Cross this Friday, which, according to their estimates, will leave an estimated economic impact of 60 million pesos (about 5 million dollars).

The journey of more than 3 kilometers, will be guarded by about 1, 500 security elements , in addition to almost 400 members of various dependencies such as the Red Cross, the Fire Department and the C5 (the Security Command and Control Center) of Mexico City.

This year, Axel González Bárcenas and Uri Celesete Mosco Ramírez will give life to Jesus and Mary in one of the religious traditions oldest in Mexico.

“I have the honor of representing the Virgin Mary, I am very excited and happy for representing a character that involves a lot of responsibility and has to be done with great fervor”, assured Uri Mosco, from 22 years, in an interview broadcast on Tuesday on the social networks of the Iztapalapa mayor’s office.

For his part , Axel González, from 22 years old and who will represent Jesus, affirmed that this is “a very strong role”, in which he seeks to leave “all his heart”.

He stated that for his preparation he goes to the gym every day, then he goes to Cerro de la Estrella for rehearsals and some days of the week he goes running to have the necessary condition for the performance, where he has to carry a cross that weighs about 100 kilograms.

In this According to the authorities, 350 actors will participate in this edition.

Although Just last week, the Organizing Committee for Holy Week in Iztapalapa (COSSIAC) reported that the actor who would participate as Barrabás “resigned due to discrepancies” with the COSSIAC.

A little history

According to tradition, the Stations of the Cross in Iztapalapa took place for the first time in 1843 in gratitude to God, for having freed its inhabitants from the cholera epidemic morbus that affected the country in those years.

Since then, it has been carried out every year consecutively, with few exceptions.

In 2020 and 2021 this performance was held without the presence of the public due to the COVID crisis-19 which already adds up to more than 5.7 million cases and touches the 179, deaths in Mexico.

On April 2, 2012, Mexico City declared the procession held each year in Iztapalapa as Intangible Cultural Heritage. For years, the organizers have been seeking that UNESCO also recognize this tradition.

With information from Efe.

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– The Passion of Christ in Iztapalapa arises from an epidemic and now due to the coronavirus it takes place “behind closed doors”