Saturday, September 28

Governments of Nuevo León and Texas agree to strengthen border security

Samuel García (i) gobernador de Nuevo León y Gregg Abbott (d) gobernador de Texas durante firma de  acuerdo.
Samuel García (l) Governor of Nuevo León and Gregg Abbott (r) Governor of Texas during the signing of the agreement.

Photo: Government of Nuevo León / EFE


For: EFE Updated 14 Apr 2022, 9: 09 am EDT

The governments of the Mexican state of Nuevo León and the state of Texas, United States, signed an agreement to reinforce the border security that they share, which will help expedite the transport of goods through the Colombia International Bridge, towards Laredo.

In a statement, the governor of Nuevo León, Samuel García, indicated that the agreement , which will favor his state and Texas, will prioritize security at the Colombian checkpoint to prevent illegal drug and human trafficking.

“Today the two states, I think the two most important states (of both countries), are making a memorandum of understanding that we have to help both sides to have a more secure border,” said García.

“Yesterday in Nuevo León we began a series of checkpoints on our frontier. tera, to ensure that Governor (Greg) Abbott will not have any problem with Nuevo León”, added García.

In due course, Abbott celebrated the agreement and recognized the actions of the Nuevo León authorities to prevent illegal human trafficking.

“Governor García has begun and will continue to reinforce security measures on the border side of Nuevo León to prevent illegal migration”, said Abbott.

In addition, he assured that the agreement will allow Texas to stop the intensified inspections for vehicles coming from the state of Nuevo León , but that will continue at other border bridges in the Mexican states of Chihuahua, Coahuila and Tamaulipas.

The Republican, who is seeking re-election this year, imposed since last week new state reviews on freight transport in for the sake of stopping indocument but along the way it has stopped 54 % of binational commercial traffic, according to the US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Office

It has also faced criticism for the economic impacts derived from delays at crossings border, which are estimated at 8 million dollars a day and mainly affect the assembly, automotive, technology and perishable industries, according to the Business Coordinating Council (CCE) of Mexico.

Abbott said he hoped to meet with more Mexican officials this week
and that Comprehensive reviews of cargo transportation in those states will follow, “unless similar agreements are reached with the governments of those states.”

In response, the governors of the Mexican states of Tamaulipas and Coahuila, Francisco García Cabeza de Vaca and Miguel Rique lme Solís, respectively, sent a letter to Abbott on Tuesday warning that “the new inspection measures are creating havoc and economic problems on both sides of the border.”

“The state of Texas has always been a great neighbor of Tamaulipas and Coahuila. This unique border region is North America’s busiest commercial gateway. Mexico is the largest trading partner of the United States and Texas“ , noted the letter.

The Mexican governors asked Abbott to reconsider the inspections.

“ We are concerned about high logistics costs, environmental damage, and supply chain issues which are by-products of these inspections and we ask that you consider providing prompt service at the ports as Texas has always done,” the letter added.

In addition, they specified that “trade security between Mexico and the United States is national security for both countries, and we realize that there are serious problems that must be addressed, and we believe that it is important that we all sit down to the table”, they pointed out.

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