Monday, October 7

Ukraine fears Russian occupation of Chernobyl will lead to catastrophe

Los ocupantes rusos transportan diariamente decenas de toneladas de cohetes, proyectiles y municiones de mortero a la zona de exclusión.
The Russian occupiers daily transport tens of tons of rockets, shells and mortar ammunition to the exclusion zone.

Photo: SERGEI SUPINSKY / AFP / Getty Images


By: EFE Updated 28 Sea 2022, 8: 44 am EDT

The occupation by Russian troops of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant facilities may cause a catastrophe that It does not only affect the Ukrainians , the Minister for the Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine, Iryna Vereschuk, assured on Monday on her Telegram account.

“The occupants continue to militarize the Chernobyl exclusion zone . This presents a very serious risk of damaging the isolation structures built on the fourth station unit after its explosion in 1986”, clarified the minister.

The head of the Occupied Territories assured that “such damage will inevitably lead to the entry into the atmosphere of a significant amount of radioactive dust and will contaminate not only Ukraine but also to other European countries”.

Russian troops, who invaded the country in the past 24 February, have ignored “ these threats and continued to transport and store a significant amount of ammunition in the vicinity of the nuclear power plant”, Vereschuk specifies.

It also adds that, through the city city ​​of Pripyat, a few hundred meters from the isolation facilities of the nuclear power plant, the Russian occupiers daily transport tens of tons of rockets, projectiles and mortar ammunition.

And he shows his concern because “the Russian occupation forces are increasingly using old and low-quality ammunition, which increases the risk of their detonation, including during loading and transportation”.

Some facts -he said- that occur regularly, which increases watering.

In addition, in Serious fires have broken out in the exclusion zone that can have very serious consequences and that cannot be extinguished precisely because the Ukrainian troops cannot enter the zone.

“As a result of combustion, radionuclides into the atmosphere a, that the wind can carry long distances, which threatens radiation levels not only in Ukraine, but also in other European countries”, warns Vereschuk.

    Who reiterates that the “loss of control (of Ukraine) over the exclusion zone and the inability to completely extinguish the fire could threaten radioactive facilities.”

    On the other hand, the minister confirmed that “this week there was a rotation full list of Chernobyl personnel, who spent more than 896 hours at their jobs, fulfilling bravely perform their duties under pressure from the occupants”.

    In exchange for these workers, “others 59 specialists, including six women, agreed to go to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant to carry out maintenance tasks. nt of the safe operation of the installations. We consider all of them hostages of the occupants”, he sentenced.

    Vereschuk demanded “that the Security Council take immediate action to demilitarize the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone and establish a special UN mission to eliminate the risk of a recurrence of the accident that the plant has already suffered as a result of the actions of the Russian occupation forces”.

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