Tuesday, October 8

Russia describes Joe Biden's words about Putin's permanence in power as “alarming”

Rusia rechaza declaraciones de Joe Biden sobre Vladimir Putin.
Russia rejects statements by Joe Biden about Vladimir Putin.

Photo: ALEXANDER NEMENOV / AFP / Getty Images

La Opinión

By: Real America News Updated 28 Sea 2022, 13: 13 pm EDT

The Kremlin described this Monday as “alarming” the words of the president of the United States, Joe Biden, who said on Saturday that his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, cannot remain in power.

“This statement is naturally alarming“, said the spokesman for the Russian Presidency, Dmitri Peskov, when asked by journalists if Moscow considers Biden’s words as an attempt to interfere in Russian affairs.

Peskov added that the Kremlin will continue to “carefully” follow all statements made about it in the US. “We take note of it,” he assured.

Senior US officials qualified Biden’s words on Sunday by assuring that Washington is not seeking a change of power in Russia.

Thus, the US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken , visiting Israel, stated that his government “does not have as a strategy” to remove Putin from power and that Biden was referring to the fact that the Russian president should not be “empowered” to wage an offensive in Ukraine.

Last weekend the Kremlin also commented Biden insulted Putin, who called his Russian counterpart a “butcher” after meeting with refugees Ukrainians in Poland.

“A leader must remain calm”, pointed out Peskov.

The Kremlin also warned that “personal insults reduce the window of opportunity to improve” Russian-American relations.

“After all, he is the man that a He once demanded, speaking on television in his country, that Yugoslavia be bombed. Exactly, bombing of Yugoslavia. He demanded to kill people,” Peskov asserted.

With information from Efe.

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