Tuesday, October 8

Mother discovers on surveillance video that Arkansas teacher pushed her 4-year-old daughter to the ground

La madre solicitó políticas más severas de control y que se tomen medidas en contra de todas las maestras que estaban en el salón.
The mother requested more severe control policies and that measures be taken against all the teachers who were in the room.

Photo: Pixabay License / Pixabay

A mother discovered that the teacher of her little four-year-old daughter had pushed her to the ground numerous times, after seeing a Surveillance video of the Arkansas kindergarten room , for which a judicial battle was initiated so that those involved answer for what happened.

“I am fighting hard to obtain justice for my four-year-old daughter. My baby,” Angela Artis told KAIT Region News.

Artis went to a local news station for them to publish the incident after that, according to her, she tried everything to get answers, and that some people told her that “it’s not as serious as you think”.

The girl’s mother received this 11 in February, a call from the teacher, which was not uncommon, since she frequently communicated with Artis when there was a problem with the minor’s behavior.

Precisely that day was the last day that the girl attended the KidSpot Learning Center nursery , because she was going to move to another kindergarten.

“I guess he’s trying to go big”, the caregiver told her , and told her that her daughter had thrown her shoe, hit her classmates and had thrown a chair at her.

Quickly, Artis arrived at the kindergarten and took the girl for a ride in her vehicle to calm her down . The minor did not stop crying and she said that she wanted to play with her friends. Upon returning to school, the mother asked for the surveillance video of the classroom and discovered the mistreatment that the little girl received from her.

In the audiovisual material you can see the angry girl approach the teacher, who is sitting talking on the phone, and how the caretaker pushed her to the floor, the girl comes back and the woman pushes her again.

A few minutes later, the girl takes a chair and throws it, and the teacher puts it between the two of them. She then takes the girl by the arm and takes her out of the room .

The caregiver wrote a report that said in part that the girl “kept lunging at me and I don’t remember pushing or touching her, I was trying to stop her from hitting me.”

Artis not only did he go to the nursery to get answers about the event, but also he got in touch with local leaders and carried out a complaint to the authorities and decided to make the case public.

“I It hurt because I trusted this teacher. I thought I was helping my daughter and that she would help me correct my daughter“, Artis tells the local news channel.

Due to the accusations, the teacher was fired, and the school states that they contacted the Child Abuse Reporting Office to see if they would consider opening an investigation. The caregiver also faces a misdemeanor charge of second-degree assault.

However, for the girl’s mother this is not enough. “ I would like everyone to be held accountable for what they did and did not do. There needs to be more audits, inspections, investigations and monitoring visits at these facilities. Not just KidSPOT, but all facilities,” said Artis.

“Parents trust that these teachers are caring and providing a safe environment,” he added.

The mother requested more severe control policies and that measures be taken against all the teachers who were in the room

, because in the video it can be seen that there is another person in charge and that he saw what happened.

After the case was made public, the school institution issued a statement indicating that it takes “very seriously the trust that parents and guardians” they deposit him and that they take “all the necessary measures to hire highly qualified personnel”.

“The daycare should be responsible for getting qualified people to work in the classroom, not just there to count rations“, said Artis.

For your part , the Department of Human Services (DHS) intervened in the case and indicated that it was investigating whether there was cause for a case of abuse and neglect . However, a spokesman pointed out to the local chain that it cannot be confirmed whether the teacher is on the abuse registry, to which potential employers have access, since it is about confidential inquiries because there is a girl involved.

The teacher has a hearing scheduled for the assault charge, and the mother of The girl assured that she would be present to make sure that they are accountable.

“The first few weeks he cried a lot at night,” said Artis. “I pray that my family will not be subject to retaliation in this community for speaking out, advocating not only for my daughter, but for other children,” he said.

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