Monday, October 7

Biden focuses 2023 budget on national and international security

El presidente Joe Biden dio a conocer su plan de presupuesto del 2023.
President Joe Biden released his budget plan for the 2023.

Photo: JOHN THYS / AFP / Getty Images

La Opinión

By: Real America News Updated 28 Sea 2022, 11: 01 am EDT

Investments in national security and actions of the United States in other territories and efforts for social justice are the priorities of the budget project 2023 that the President Joe Biden unveiled this Monday.

“My budget will make investments to protect our nation and build a better USA”, expressed the president. “We will protect our communities by putting more police on the streets… hiring the officers needed to help fight gun crime and investing in crime prevention and community violence intervention.”

The plan includes $6,900 million dollars for the European Deterrence Initiative , the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and funds to confront Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.


“I am asking for one of the largest investments in our national security in history, with the necessary funds to ensure that our armed forces remain the best prepared, best trained and equipped in the world ”, highlighted Biden.

The president emphasized that he requests funds to continue in the “energetic” response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

“The budget provides almost $1,000 million dollars in assistance to Ukraine for the Department of State, USAID and the Department of Defense”, it is added.

Violence in the US

The project seeks to obtain $3,200 million dollars in state and local grant resources, and $30, millions for law enforcement, crime prevention and community violence intervention.

$1 required,700 millions for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) to expand actions against arms trafficking, increase regulation, improve ATF’s National Integrated Ballistics Information Network and modernize the tracking center.

It is emphasized that agencies such as the FBI and the Marshals Service will have more resources to combat violent crime.


“The budget that I publish today sends a clear message that we value fiscal responsibility, security at home and throughout the world”, affirms the president.

Do more with less

The White House highlights a reduction in the federal deficit by more than $1.3 billion dollars.

“My Administration is on track to reduce the federal deficit by more than $1.3 trillion this year,” President Biden boasted. “We spent less money than the previous Administration and we obtained better results.”