Tuesday, October 1

Video: They catch a hit man who was about to burn down a house

Detienen a narco que iba a quemar una casa en México.
They arrest a drug trafficker who was going to burn down a house in Mexico.

Photo: Capture taken from the video of @DeIntelligencia / Courtesy

La Opinión

By: Real America News Updated 27 Sea 2022, 16: 16 am EDT

The Mexican Police caught a hitman who was about to burn a house in Colima , one of the most violent states in Mexico, where practically the drug cartels rule. The video of this case went viral on social networks. Moments before, the attacker had set fire to a store and his accomplices had just executed three people

. It should be noted that there are three criminal organizations vying for the position: The Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG), the Sinaloa Cartel (CDS) and the Colima Independent Cartel , the latter is also known as the Mezcales cartel.


Captured at the moment when he was trying to set fire to a house in Colima, minutes before they set fire to a store, also at another point they found 3 bodies gagged and with bullets in different parts of the body


— Citizen Intelligence Unit (@DeIntelligencia) March 26, 2022

-Read more: Gabriel Soto dies after gunshot attack on the border

The assailant was about to douse a house with fuel, but the officers stopped him before he lit the matches. The hitman confessed that he had just set fire to a business

, because the owner refused to pay an extortion . In none of the attacks were there any injuries, according to the Mexican media.

Although the authorities have not revealed which cartel the belongs to gunman, did report that his accomplices murdered three people, whose bodies were found gagged and had bullet holes in different parts. The Forensic Medical Service (Semefo) went to the scene of the discovery to remove the bodies and carry out the corresponding expert tests.

What happens in Colima?

In the last two years, Colima has registered an escalation of violence due to the presence of the CJNG, the Sinaloa Cartel and the emergence of a group called the Independent Cartel or the Mezcals. The latter operated as an armed wing of the Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel, but their leader, a subject nicknamed la Vaca, got into a fight with the local chiefs and spread the rumor of the supposed death of Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, alias the Mencho, founder of the CJNG.

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