Friday, October 4

Video: Hitman accompanied by his wife and 4-year-old daughter, kills police

Motosicario mata a policía; su hija y su esposa son testigos.
Motorcycle assassin kills policeman; his daughter and his wife are witnesses.

Photo: Capture taken from the video of @DeIntelligencia / Courtesy

La Opinión

By: Real America News Updated 27 Sea 2022, : 34 pm EDT

The system cameras of video surveillance captured a assassin who killed a policeman , was traveling aboard a motorcycle , in which his wife and 4-year-old daughter were also riding, who were witnesses to the crime. The events occurred in Michoacán, one of the most violent states in Mexico . Mexican authorities suspect that he operates for the Jalisco New Generation Cartel ( CJNG ).


A hired hitman who took the life of a police officer in Sahuayo Michoacán was recorded at the time he committed the murder was accompanied by his wife and 4-year-old daughter the murderer was riding a motorcycle @IldefonsoOrtiz

— Unit Citizen Intelligence (@DeIntelligencia) March 04, 2022

-Read more: Gabriel Soto dies after gunshot attack on the border

Michoacán, a battlefield

The constant clashes between the Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel (CJNG) and the so-called United Cartels, which group to the Nueva Familia Michoacana , Viagras and The Correas, have transformed Michoacán into a battlefield. Since the beginning of the year there have been massacres and shootings, with dozens of deaths.

One of the massacres that remains unsolved is the case of San Juan Nuevo Parangaricutiro, where a commando of hitmen broke into the funeral of the mother of a gunman who betrayed the Jalisco New Generation Cartel, for which they subjected 17 of their relatives, formed them into a wall and shot them.

The Mexican government, headed by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador , deployed dozens of soldiers to try to recover the mayoralties taken over by the drug cartels for a decade. It is also known that Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, alias el Mencho, also deployed his army of assassins to the limits of the states of Jalisco and Michoacán to attack the United Cartels.

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