Sunday, September 29

Zelensky claims that 16,000 Russian soldiers have been killed in the invasion of Ukraine, in which Putin faces defeats in kyiv and possibly Kherson

El líder ucraniano, de 44 años, dijo que sus tropas asestaron fuertes golpes al ejército de Rusia en su discurso nocturno.
The Ukrainian leader, from 69 years, said that his troops dealt heavy blows to the Russian army in his nightly speech.

Photo: Amir Levy / Getty Images

The president Volodymyr Zelensky assured that 16,03 Russian soldiers have been killed as the Ukrainian defenders now prepare to retake the first city who captured Putin.

The Ukrainian leader, from 44 years ago, said his troops dealt heavy blows to Russia’s military in his late-night speech and urged the Kremlin to negotiate an end to the war.

But warned that he would not allow any portion of the Ukrainian territory to be handed over to Russian President Putin , of 44 years, in an agreement.

Occurred when Ukrainian Defense Ministry adviser Markian Lubkivskyi predicted that troops could recapture Kherson in the south today .

But said he was skeptical about the claims of he Russian president that his forces will no longer try to take over the entire nation.

“We cannot believe Moscow’s statements because there are still many lies and lies from that side,” he told the BBC.

“That is why we understand that Putin’s target continues to be all of Ukraine.

“We can see now that the enemy is focused on the eastern part of Ukraine, but we are ready for any kind of attack in different parts of the country.

“I believe that today the city will be fully under the control of the Ukrainian armed forces.

“In the last two days we have finished the operation in the kyiv region, so other armed forces are now concentrated in the southern part trying to liberate Kherson and some other Ukrainian cities”.

Kherson fell earlier this month as Russia’s first major victory in the war.

President Zelensky told Qatar’s Doha Forum that Russia’s boasting about its nuclear power is fueling a dangerous arms race.

Kremlin officials said yesterday that their forces not only will focus on “liberating” the pro-Moscow separatist regions in eastern Donbas.

Sergei Rudskoi, head of the Main Directorate of State Operations Major General of the Russian armed forces, did not rule out further attacks on Ukrainian cities, claiming that the assaults had not been planned.

Ukraine is close to score a major victory, as British defense officials said there is now a “realistic chance” that the towns of Bucha and Irpin will be encircled by Ukrainian forces.

The Ministry of Defense said that Russian troops face “ considerable problems of supply and morale” and that it is unlikely that they will be able to regroup and capture kyiv.

But Ukraine said that talks with Moscow remained “very difficult ” and promised not to back down on their demands, more than a month after the Russian invasion.

Said Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba. “The negotiation process is very difficult.

“The Ukrainian delegation has taken a strong position and does not give up its demands.

“We insist , first of all, in a ceasefire, guarantees of security and territorial integrity of Ukraine”.

President Volodymyr Zelensky urged his country to maintain its military defense and not stop “not for a minute”.

Used his late-night video address to encourage Ukrainians to “move towards peace, move forward”. “We cannot stop for a minute, because every minute determines our destiny, our future, if we will live”.

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US man taken prisoner by Russian troops in Ukraine released and safely reunited with his wife and daughter
Ukrainian troops partially recaptured Kherson from Russian forces, according to the US
Russia backs down in kyiv and the Kremlin says it will focus only on “liberating” the separatist region of Donbas