Monday, September 30

Confirmed: Ana Patricia Gámez returns to 'Falling in love' and Karina Banda leaves

Yes, you read the headline very well and it’s not ‘Innocent Day’, confirmed, Ana Patricia Gámez returns to ‘Falling in Love’ and Karina Banda appears. Well, although neither the protagonists nor TelevisaUnivision have made it official, we will now tell you everything that happened, is happening and will happen.

9 months after resigning, assuring that she wanted to take a break to dedicate herself to being a mother 24/7, because she felt anguished that she was missing out on the growth and unique moments of her children Giulietta and Gael, Ana Patricia will return to Rafael Araneda’s side on April 1 and not to visit, but to stay.

What happened ? Although there is no official version, what we can tell you unofficially is that Ana Patricia’s departure in June 2021, in addition to being with their children and make their company grow more, it would also have had an economic tint, what do we mean? That at the time of renegotiating her contract, Anita would not have been very satisfied with the proposal and in the analysis of her immediate future she would have seen that it was not enough due to personal sacrifice.

Let us remember that in a visit to ‘Despierta América’, Anita assured that she earned more money outside on TV that as the presenter of ‘Falling in love’ and, on the same show, but in an interview with Raúl González, she told him that she was about to sign with Telemundo to have her own show and in the end he regretted.

Why not before and now ‘Falling in love’? We don’t believe that it was because she got bored of being with her children, because she is a mother present in the lives of Giulietta and Gael and we also see her very dedicated to her company of girdles and boutique, however, this time the offer he would have received from Soho, the production company that makes the show that seeks to form a couple would have been for d more tempting.

We are not talking about her role in the show, since it will be the same one she had when she resigned 9 months ago, but about the figure that they would have offered her to come back.

Now we will see her more time on TV than when she left: once a week on ‘Despierta América’ in her segment ‘Querida Ana’ where she gives love advice, and at night, from Monday to Friday at 8/7 PM Centro on UniMás hosting ‘Falling in Love’.

The next question is: And Karina Banda?… Let us remember that the Mexican journalist made a big bet not only in her career, but rather for her safety, she resigned from ‘El Gordo y la Flaca’, a position now occupied by Roberto Hernández, to take on a double challenge: to be the presenter of a show that had already been on screen for two years and to replace to Anita who had already conquered that public.

As far as we could know, Karina would be going through a moment of uncertainty because he did not imagine that something like this would happen and less so soon, also they would have been informed just a few days ago when Anita, supposedly, had already signed her return contract with Soho Productions, the Turkish production company that owns of the format.

Why the change? Did the rating drop with Anita’s departure? Although we don’t have the numbers to share with you, that would not be the reason, the format is successful because of the format itself, the public loves stories of lovers and crushes, regardless of Ana Patricia, Karina or Rafael Araneda himself.

Will Karina Banda be left out not only of ‘Falling in love’ but also of Univision? The answer is ‘no’, The Mexican journalist will continue to be linked to the network and they would be offering her a reality show by the same production company Soho, for VIX, the new TelevisaUnivision platform that will be recorded on an island in Turkey.

As far as we know, until the end of this article, Banda would not have accepted the proposal yet, but what we can tell you is that if on April 1 when you see Ana Patricia returning to ‘Falling in love’, if they tell you it’s because Karina accepted the challenge of doing the reality show, remember what you read today, because that’s not the reason.



•Ana Patricia Gámez: Her last day in ‘Falling in love’ in pictures

•This was Ana Patricia Gámez’s farewell and Karina Banda’s arrival at ‘Falling in Love’

•Ana Patricia Gámez announces that she is leaving ‘Falling in Love’ and television