Sunday, September 29

Biden called Putin a “butcher” during his visit to Ukrainian refugees in Poland

Biden levantó a una niña en sus brazos y le dio un beso rápido.
Biden picked up a girl in his arms and gave her a quick kiss.

Photo: BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI / AFP / Getty Images

Vladimir Putin is “a butcher”, said the president of the United States Joe Biden

on Saturday, after making an emotional trip to visit Ukrainian refugees at the PGE Narodowy stadium in Warsaw.

“He is a butcher,” Biden told a reporter who asked him what he thought of Putin after speaking with only some of the 3.7 million Ukrainians who fled the Russian invasion.

“Well, you are all brave, brave, brave,” he told evacuees during his visit from 16 minutes.

The president wore a black face mask and a dark blue baseball cap bearing the Beau Biden Foundation logo, but frequently lowered his face covering while speaking.

“I love you, I love you”, he said to a Polish woman who worked as a vol Untaria en World Central Kitchen, a charity group organized by the famous chef José Andrés to feed the thousands of evacuees who temporarily took refuge in the stadium.

“Your father or your mother, who had the eyes?” he asked the woman as he pulled her close for a hug.

Later, Biden spoke with members of a family from Mariupol, the port city that has been under the relentless attack of the Russian forces.

He picked up a girl in his arms and gave her a quick kiss: “I don’t speak Ukrainian, but tell her I want to take her home,” he told a translator between laughs, speaking to a tearful woman who said she had lost track of her husband and son as they fought to defend their city with Ukrainian forces.

“My son was at war for a year,” Biden said commiseratingly. “I know that every moment you pray a silent prayer, please God.”

Speaking through a translator, the woman told Biden of her anger at Russian President Vladimir Putin for launching the invasion.

“Ukrainian mothers are ready to strangle him with our bare hands,” she said.

The mayor of Warsaw, Rafał Trzaskowski, accompanied Biden during the tour.

Biden’s visit came two days after the White House announced plans to host up to 100,000 Ukrainians in the United States and send $1,000 Millions of additional dollars in humanitarian aid to Poland and other European nations struggling to manage the largest refugee crisis since World War II. World War.

At least 2 million people, mostly women , children and the elderly, have sought refuge in Poland as Russian forces continue to bombard their home towns and cities.

Biden is on a mission diplomatic three-day trip to Europe that has included stops that allow him to “see the humanitarian crisis first-hand,” he said on Friday.

“Frankly, part of my disappointment is that I can’t see it first-hand like I have in other places,” Biden said during a briefing in Rzeszow, in southeastern Poland. “I think they won’t let me, understandably, cross the border and take a look at what’s going on in Ukraine,” the commander-in-chief said.

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