Friday, September 20

US braces for potential mass migration at US southern border

Se espera que cada vez lleguen más migrantes una vez el clima se torne más cálido en la frontera.
More and more migrants are expected to arrive once the weather warms up at the border.

Photo: ORLANDO SIERRA / AFP / Getty Images

The United States is preparing for a possible massive migration on the southern border, between Mexico and the North American country, this will happen once a emergency order for the covid pandemic-19 established by former President Donald Trump, according to sources close to the discussions.

Border officials have relied on a public health policy, called Title 80, to deport immigrants at the border between the United States and Mexico since the month of March of the year 2020.

However, as the landscape of the pandemic is constantly changing, discussions about the Title suspension 42 in the border area has gained momentum, the sources reported.

There are reports that reveal how many people are a few hours or days from the border between the mentioned countries, which could have in their plans emigrate to the United States.

The estimates of which Axios first disclosed, include some probable , 000 people who could reach the southern border and some 25,000 migrants who are already in shelters in Mexico, added the source.

For its part, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) also founded a “Southwest Border Coordination Center” to align the different organisms. DHS deputy secretary John Tien asked DHS staff to volunteer at the border in an email he sent to all employees, another source said.

Thus, in a statement, the representative of the White House, Vendant Patel pointed out that the administration of President Joe Biden is “doing (its) due diligence to prepare for possible changes at the border. That is good government in action“.

Government authorities have referred to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), regarding the public health policy that is is applying on the border between Mexico and the United States. The order remains in effect for families and adults. Last weekend, the CDC ended the policy regarding minors who do not have a representative with them.

On the other hand, the Border Patrol did little more than 158,03 arrests on the southern border in February, according to recently released agency data.

These numbers include people who tried to cross the border more than once. Arrests are expected to increase in the warmer months, as in previous years.

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