Sunday, September 22

Real Madrid – Barcelona: A classic marked by piracy on Internet platforms

Más de 200% de piratería aumenta mientras se disputa el Clásico.
More of 200% of piracy increases while the Classic is played.

Photo: David Ramos / Getty Images


By: EFE Updated 18 Sea 2022, 16: 26 pm EDT


When the Real Madrid-Barcelona ball rolls this Sunday at the Santiago Bernabéu stadium, a parallel classic will take two weeks running .

The repercussion of the match causes an increase in illegal content in a 200%, assure EFE those responsible for the office of ‘hackers’ of the organizer of the competition.

“A Real Madrid-Barcelona match produces a 200% more of piracy. We remove 200% more videos. We have a team in Madrid and another in Mexico, and we have to reinforce both”, explains to EFE Emilio Fernández , director of the content protection area ( LaLiga Content Protection) of LaLiga Tech, the company that groups the technological tools of the association of clubs and with which it offers its services to third parties.

During the past season 2020-21, this department blocked more than 1.5 million videos of copyrighted content on social networks , 18.000 on instant messaging platforms and others 6.000 in digital storage services.

Also, removed 32. p profiles that illegally used the name of La Liga, 9.000 groups selling illegal IPTV subscriptions, got removal of 230 apps phones and removed from search engines 32. illegal streaming websites and 18. subscription website illegal.

The objective is to avoid a practice that supposes for the sector a lost profit that only in Spain is calculated in more than $200 million dollars, the amount that the football industry in Spain stops obtaining for these subscriptions to soccer that are not paid, according to calculations by 2020 of the Coalition of Creators and Content Industries, together with the GFK consultancy .

A Real Madrid-Barcelona match forces them to reinforce their activity long before the ball rolls. “People start uploading videos of old matches, the typical historical goal of (Lionel) Messi or (Cristiano) Ronaldo, so two weeks before We started blocking everything. And when the game ends, we continue. The following week, if there has been a goal or an important play, that continues to be hacked for a while”, explains Fernández.

For this reason, the team of about eight people who have divided between Madrid and Mexico happens to double until adding the specialists . With this distribution they can cover content in more time slots and provide service to their clients in Latin America.

Of all the threats, Internet television services , IPTV, are the ones that generate the most difficulties. “They are the main problem, because through them people consume paid products of all kinds : movies, series, music… And it’s the hardest thing to block”, acknowledges Fernández.

“Now in Spain, with the new regulations, we are leading the fight against piracy worldwide, but this is a global problem and we have to go country by country,” admits the specialist in the fight against piracy.

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