Saturday, September 21

Nebraska teen killed his friend for playing with a loaded gun

By: Real America News Updated 18 Sea 2022, 14: 04 pm EDT

Omaha police have arrested a young man who is charged with involuntary manslaughter

for causing the death of another man, while played with a firearm that went off hitting him in the body.

The officers responded to an emergency call, after hearing a shot that was recorded inside a home, when they arrived they found a young man from 18 years with a gunshot wound and was immediately transferred to Bergan Mercy Hospital where he died.

Blake Miller of 18 years, was arrested by the police and is charged with involuntary manslaughter for the death of his friend Tanner Farrell, also of 18 years.

The events occurred when Miller found the firearm and

began to play with it, aiming it directly at Farrell, until he pulled the trigger and the bullet was fired, hitting the gun at point-blank range. victim. According to investigations, the young man thought the gun was not loaded, that’s why he had pulled the trigger.

The Douglas County Prosecutor’s Office is also investigating the case in conjunction with the Omaha authorities, and they believe that Blake Miller “accidentally” killed Tanner Farrell.

“This is so reckless in nature, pointing the gun at an individual and pulling the trigger, that it fits the definition of involuntary manslaughter,” said Douglas County Prosecutor Don Kleine.

The prosecutor also added: “So it’s a tragic incident. All of these people are friends, but we must hold him accountable for what he did here ,” 6News reported. According to investigations, the two men were consuming alcoholic beverages when the accident occurred.

Comrades of the baseball team where Farrell played, sent their condolences through their social networks.

“It is with great sadness that we regret to inform you of the death of senior baseball player Tanner Farrell. This is a tragic loss for the Ralston High School and Ralston Baseball communities. Keep your thoughts with the Farrell family at this time”, can be read in the post.

Blake Miller was processed this week and is awaiting his hearing in Court.

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