Monday, October 28

Biden Signs Massive Budget Bill Dedicating Billions to Ukraine Aid

Biden firmó la ley de presupuesto federal rodeado por congresistas.
Biden signed the federal budget law surrounded by congressmen.

Photo: NICHOLAS KAMM / AFP / Getty Images

Maria Ortiz

President Joe Biden signed a $1.5 trillion federal budget bill into law Tuesday that keeps the government running through September and which includes $15.6 billion dollars in new aid to Ukraine and said during a signing ceremony that the new assistance shows that the United States “is moving urgently to further increase support for the brave people of Ukraine as they defend their country.”

“Today we show the American people again that as a country we can come together, as Democrats, Republicans and Independents, and do great things; that our democracy can meet … and surpass autocracies, and that there is nothing we cannot do when we do it together in the United States of America,” Biden told an audience of lawmakers at the White House.

Today, I signed the Bipartisan Government Funding Bill into law. We’re again showing the American people that as a country, we can come together — Democrats, Republicans, Independents — and do big things. Our democracy can deliver.

— President Biden (@POTUS) March 13, 2022

President Biden referred to the the federal budget approved funds for crime prevention and law enforcement: “The answer is not to abandon our streets, or choose between security and equal justice. And in the bipartisan government funding bill, we don’t. This budget invests in federal law enforcement capacity and grants for state and local law enforcement and crime prevention programs.”

The answer is not to abandon our streets — or choose between safety and equal justice.

And in the Bipartisan Government Funding Bill, we don’t.

This budget invests in federal law enforcement capacity, and grants for state and local law enforcement and crime prevention programs.

Maria Ortiz—President Biden (@POTUS) March 15, 2022

Aid for Ukraine

Biden said that Russia’s war in Ukraine, “has brought people together from all over the United States, has brought to our two parties in Congress and has united the freedom-loving world to act urgently and resolve what we are doing right now, which they gave me the ability to do.”

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will deliver a speech to before Congress on Wednesday, where he is likely to renew his calls for measures like a no-fly zone and ask for help acquiring fighter jets, measures Biden previously rejected . And later on Wednesday, Biden is expected to detail US assistance to Ukraine in remarks .

No COVID Money-19

Billions of dollars in COVID funds were eliminated-19 of the federal budget package hours after its presentation on Wednesday, after a revolt by the Democrats of the House of Representatives, frustrated by plans to withdraw coronavirus pandemic relief money already allocated to states.

The House Blanca had requested $22,500 million dollars for vaccines and treatment, but that was reduced during conversations to $15,600 millions of dollars and was eventually cut entirely when rank-and-file Democrats revolted against the proposed cuts on state aid to pay for new spending.

Congressional leaders are expected to set a vote on another COVID-funding measure 19 without the discrepancies it received in the House of Representatives in the next days. But his approval in the Senate is far from certain.

With information from CNN, CNBC and POLITICO

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