Monday, September 30

VIDEO: Belinda is seen with the expensive ring that Christian Nodal gave her in a commercial and networks explode

Megan Negrete

Considered the breakup of the year, the one starring the Mexican Christian Nodal and Belinda , the controversy still does not end around both singers, because now another controversy has arisen again that set fire to the networks, because the singer of Spanish origin has been seen wearing the expensive ring that the tricolor gave her when asking her to marry him.

This after that Belinda uploaded a video to her Instagram stories announcing a popular brand of smartphones, something nothing out of the ordinary and is a regular activity for the also actress, however, something called powerful the attention of their fans and followers on social networks.

The ring with which Nodal closed his engagement to reach the altar and which has been reason for “intense debates” in social networks s and in the show programs, appears in Belinda’s hand, which sparked doubts about the reasons why she still carries it with her or if the relationship between her and Nodal has not ended .

The truth is that the ad was recorded months before they announced the breakup, since it would have been done last November and at that time the young singer proudly wore the jewel that has become an object of curiosity to know what will happen to her.

Belinda surpassed Nodal?

The rain of rumors and theories began about what really happened between the two, without knowing precise details about it to date the reasons why Nodal and Belinda are no longer together and that have been the subject of talk between those who support their decision and those who want to know more about their breakup.

However, it seems that those who are not willing to cont Inuating this topic are the celebrities themselves, and it is not for less, in recent years both were surrounded by the pink press after announcing their relationship and later their commitment to reach the altar.

And it is precisely this episode that has unleashed the rumors and questions about what is happening with the couple, and it turns out that the popular singer of “Neither Freud nor you mom” appeared on her social networks doing what she likes and what she is a professional, modeling and advertising.

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  • Belinda’s mother would have launched an indir again she ects Christian Nodal