Sunday, September 29

Saudi Arabia killed 81 people in a single day in the largest mass execution in the country's history.

Las ejecuciones superaron incluso la cifra de una ejecución masiva de enero de 1980, cuando 63 militantes fueron condenados.
Executions even exceeded the number of a mass execution in January 1979, when 47 militants were sentenced.

Photo: MOHAMMED AL-SHAIKH / AFP / Getty Images

Saudi Arabia carried out the largest mass execution in its history, killing eighty-one people.

Saudi media reported that the kingdom executed today to 81 men, including members of Al-Qaeda, the “Islamic State” and supporters of Yemen’s Houthi rebels .

It is still not clear what was the execution method and why the kingdom chose Saturday to carry them out.

Executions even exceeded the number of a mass execution in January 1980, when 63 militants were sentenced for seizing the Great Mosque of Mecca in 1200, the worst militant attack in history against the kingdom and the holiest place in Islam.

The state agency Saudi Press announced the executions and confirmed that the i Included were convicted of various crimes, including the murder of innocent men, women and children.

A statement said: “The kingdom will continue to take a stance strict and unwavering fight against terrorism and extremist ideologies that threaten the stability of the entire world.”

According to the agency, the defendants are granted them the right to a lawyer and were guaranteed all their rights under Saudi law during the judicial process.

They were later found guilty of committing multiple heinous crimes that left a large number of civilians and law enforcement officers dead.

A Saudi state television advertisement described those executed as if they had followed in the footsteps of Satan in carrying out his crimes.

The number of death penalty cases that were carried out decreased during the coronavirus pandemic, although the kingdom with continued to behead convicts under King Salman and his son, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

The kingdom’s last mass execution came in January of 2016, when the kingdom executed 47 people, including a prominent opposition Shiite cleric who had organized demonstrations in the kingdom.

In 2019, the kingdom beheaded 47 Saudi citizens, most of them minority Shiites, in a nationwide mass execution for alleged terrorism-related offences.

Saudi Arabia uses a number of methods to execute prisoners, including public beheading, crucifixion and paralysis.

In a previous horrendous mass execution involving 37 men, one prisoner was crucified and the head of another empa stoned with a stake.

Stoning remains a punishment for adultery for women in Saudi Arabia, with one witness claiming that the accused They are put in holes with stones thrown on them from a truck.

There have even been reports that an Indian citizen was sentenced to have his right eye gouged out in retaliation for a fight.

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