Sunday, September 29

Grandmother brutally beats her granddaughter for denouncing sexual abuse of her father in Colombia

El alcalde municipal compartió su repudio ante los acontecimientos.
The municipal mayor shared his repudiation of the events.

Photo: Benjamin Alexander / Pixabay

By: The Opinion Updated 12 Sea 2022, 13: 46 pm EST

A woman from Envigado aroused the indignation of society after making herself known through the Guardianes de Antioquia Twitter account, the way in which he attacked his granddaughter with blows and hitches against the wall.

The reason for the brutal attack was that the older woman was angry with the teenager for going with the municipal police to denounce her father, who had sexually abused her.

The identities of both the grandmother and the minor were not revealed by the authorities; The Family Welfare Institute took action on the matter and immediately located the address of the attacked girl to protect her.

When the authorities arrived at the home, they protected the victim and her two brothers: “Front In the case of Envigado, we inform that there are three minors who are under protection . The adolescents were removed from the family environment and placed in the Emergency Center”, revealed the organization through its social networks.

According to data collected by the newspaper Semana, the victim’s brothers were also mistreated

on constant occasions by the grandmother, who was taken into custody by the local authorities.

The investigations continue their process for the serious crimes committed by the older woman and the father of the adolescents.

The mayor of the municipality, Braulio Espinoza Márquez, learned of the overwhelming case and expressed his opinion about it, with a statement on his personal Facebook account

“ Total rejection of physical and psychological abuse against our children and adolescents ; The unfortunate events occurred last 21 February in the Las Palmas sector of our municipality. The Police for Children and Adolescents responded to the complaint and placed the minor, in the company of her two brothers who are also minors, at the disposal of the competent authorities for the reestablishment of their rights”, indicated the local president.

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