Friday, September 20

Russia will strengthen its western borders in response to NATO's attitude

La presencia de la OTAN en las fronteras rusas ha sido una de las razones por las que Rusia invadió Ucrania.
The presence of NATO on the Russian borders has been one of the reasons why Russia invaded Ukraine.

Photo: Matt Dunham – WPA Pool / Getty Images


By: EFE Updated 11 Sea 2022, 8: 11 am EST

Russia is going to reinforce its military presence on its western borders, the ones it has with NATO countries, according to a formal request made by Russian President Vladimir Putin to his Defense Minister Sergey Shoighu.

According to the TASS Agency, Putin told a meeting of the Russian Security Council that strengthening the western borders of the country is related “to the actions that the NATO countries have been adopting in the same direction”.

“In the near future we will make the corresponding decisions” in this regard, Putin said.

The Minister of Defense assured at the meeting that the command of the Russian armed forces is working on a plan “which is about to be finalized” and that i It would include an “advanced missile system” and the redeployment “of combat units to protect the western borders”, according to Tass.

Shoighu specified at the meeting that the armed forces are “analyzing all measures taken by Western forces near the Russian borders”.

“Every day more units arrive and are deployed,” Shoighu was quoted as saying by TASS. “As we see it, they want to take advantage of the situation to maximize their forces on the other side of the border and perpetuate their presence”, added the Defense Minister.

The growing presence of NATO near the Russian borders, considered by Moscow as a threat to its security, has been one of the reasons given by Russia to start the invasion of Ukraine

and from the outset has vetoed a possible future accession of this country to the Atlantic Alliance.

In the last gesture to strengthen Western armies near the Russian border, the Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris, who is touring various countries in Eastern Europe , confirmed this Thursday the deployment in Poland of two batteries of Patriot anti-missile systems.

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