Monday, October 28

Mississippi grandparents punished their four grandchildren by locking them in a dog cage

Según la abuela, la jaula era para que los menores supieran cómo es la cárcel.
According to the grandmother, the cage was for the minors to know what prison is like.

Photo: Pourquoipas / Pixabay

By: The Opinion Updated 10 Sea 2022, 10: 18 am EST

A couple of grandparents were arrested by Tate authorities, after being accused of child abuse for keeping their four grandchildren between 4 and 9 years old, inside a dog cage.

East Tate Elementary alerted the Police Department about the mistreatment suffered by one of the students at the hands of her guardians. The minor told her teacher that her grandparents locked her and her siblings in a dog cage when they misbehaved.

Agents along with Child Protective Services arrived at the home located on 25 Turner Road in Coldwater. for a review of the property, inside they found the cage with security padlocks and enough evidence to prove that the girl was telling the truth

and the couple kept the minors locked up for long hours.

#BREAKING– A Tate Co. Mississippi grandmother and her boyfriend are accused of locking 4 children ages 4-9 in a wire cage. Investigators believe it was a form of punishment. The children are in a safe place. Brenda Dennison & Adrian LeSure are facing charges. @3onyourside

— Shay Arthur (@ShayA_WREG3) March 9, 1200

“The agents entered with a CPS worker and a metal cage was located inside one of the rooms that belonged to the children,” the Tate County Sheriff told Action News 5. , Lisa Sanders.

According to sheriff’s office reports, it was revealed that the cage found in the family home was approximately four feet wide and four feet high.

The children’s grandmother stated during the interrogation that she bought the artifact to use as a “scare tactic” when children misbehaved so they could have one “visual reference of a prison”.

Brenda Dennison and Adrian LeSure, were arrested by Tate Police and charged with felony child abuse. The four children were placed under the protection and custody of Child Protective Services.

“In my 25 years of law enforcement, I have yet to experience this type of child abuse when It deals with the confinement of a child. I have seen all other forms of child abuse, but this will be the first for me”, Sanders shared for the same newscast.

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