Monday, October 28

Florida advances against immigrants with law approved by Congress promoted by Ron DeSantis

La Opinión

By: Real America News Updated 10 Mar 2022, 10: 22 am EST

The situation of undocumented immigrants and even those with Temporary Protected Status (TSP), will be seriously complicated in Florida, after the House of Representatives approved a reform promoted by Republican Governor Ron DeSantis.

The law, as DeSantis has justified, is a response to the immigration policies of the government of President Joe Biden, whom he accuses of allowing “waves of undocumented immigrants” into the country and taking them to Florida.

The rule would prohibit transportation companies, including airlines, from doing business with the state if they receive payments from the federal government to transport undocumented immigrants to this region, in addition to improving the relationship between agencies premises with the office of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

The Chamber approved this Wednesday with 77 votes in favor and 44 in the bill announced by DeSantis last December.

The Republican has been shown to be one of the most critical governors of the policies of Biden, especially on immigration and measures to combat the coronavirus pandemic, and some of them went to court with lawsuits filed by Florida authorities.

The Governor of Florida It has been characterized by following the style and course of what is considered its mentor, former President Donald Trump, and it sounds like possible contender for the Republican nomination for the White House in the next presidential election.

This bill would also broaden the definition of “sanctuary policy” to prevent it from limiting or prohibiting local police officers provide immigration information to federal authorities, which have exclusive jurisdiction in this matter.

Law enforcement agencies that operate detention centers must sign an agreement with ICE to participate in the program 287(g), whereby local agents perform immigration law enforcement functions.

The The American Business Immigration Coalition (ABIC) today condemned the approval of the measure, which “creates fear and uncertainty for a wide range of immigrants in Florida, including children.”

This bill, ABIC pointed out, is part of a series of measures that DeSantis has “designed tragically to spare Fl origin of unaccompanied minors and other immigrants,” including an executive order to block license renewals for immigrant children’s shelters.

“The lie of the governor’s actions, upheld by the Legislature is to advance DeSantis’s political ambitions using taxpayer dollars while every day Floridians and employers pay the price for his cruelty,” said Mike Fernandez, president of MBF Healthcare and co-chair of ABIC Action.

With information from EFE