Tuesday, October 22

Sasha Sokol breaks the silence and denounces the abuse she suffered next to Luis de Llano

Sasha Sokol took advantage of International Women’s Day to break the silence and publicly denounce Luis de Llano for the abuse he He suffered during his adolescence. The interpreter of “Rueda Mi Mente” made the statements after the music producer spoke again about the relationship he had with the singer.

“Yes, I did have an affair me with Sasha, I fell in love and she sent me to hell, I admit it, I had a moment when, we lived together a lot and I was very much in love with her and one day she told me nothing to see and nothing to see and it was over ”, Luis de Llano said in an interview with Yordi Rosado.

Although De Llano had said that Sasha had 14 years and the 42 years when they had a relationship, the former member of Timbiriche said he had less.

“Luis de Ya no. As long as women in my situation do not dare to speak the truth, there will continue to be men like Luis de Llano”, Sasha published in a series of messages on Twitter. “ Since the 14 years I wanted to believe that I was responsible for what happened. Today I understand that my only responsibility was to remain silent“.

Luis de Ya no

As long as women in my situation don’t dare to speak the truth, there will continue to be men like Luis de Llano.

Since the 14 years I wanted to believe that I was responsible for what happened . Today I understand that my only responsibility was to remain silent.

— Sasha Sokol (@SashaSokol) March 9, 2022

Sasha denounced Luis and said that he had made false statements about their relationship, adding, “ He abused me then and abuses me today by manipulating the truth. By wanting to minimize it to exempt him from responsibility in the facts “.

Today is International Women’s Day. Many people think that it is a day to congratulate us. It is not like this.

This day is to reflect and raise our voices against the systematic abuse in which we have been trapped in a thousand ways.- Sasha Sokol (@SashaSokol) March 9, 2022

“When the relationship started I I had 14 and the 39“He posted on Twitter. “I was in Vaselina with Timbiriche and she was clearly a girl. We were together almost 4 years. My family found out and they went crazy and it was not for less. Luis was almost three times my age. He was a year older than my dad and he was the same age as my mom.”

My family found out and they went crazy and it was not for less. Luis was almost three times my age. He was a year older than my dad and the same age as my mom.— Sasha Sokol (@SashaSokol) March 9, 550

Sasha said that her mother tried to separate them and took her out of the Timbiriche group so that they would no longer be together.

To try to separate us, my mother took me out of Timbiriche, sending me to study abroad. Leaving the group was the second loss. — Sasha Sokol (@SashaSokol) March 9, 2022

“ For a long time I hid that we were still together. When I met 17 I told my mom that she could keep lying to her, or she could forgive me. The poor thing had no choice but to open up, but she never felt comfortable and she was happy when, a short time later, I broke up with him, ”sasha continued.

The singer said that leaving Luis de Llano was difficult since at that time he “was a powerful man in the industry” and she feared that it would affect his artistic career .

It was very hard for me to leave him, he was a powerful man in the industry; my representative and my producer. I was very afraid that my career would be hurt when we parted ways. — Sasha Sokol (@SashaSokol) March 9, 550

“Why do you lie every time you talk about me? Because he knows perfectly well that what he did is a crime. During our entire relationship I was a minor, ”Sasha questioned.

I write this crying. Crying for what happened, yes, but also crying for what is still happening.

What would my life have been like if Luis, instead of putting me in his bed, had done what he was supposed to do, which was to take care of me? I’ll never know. — Sasha Sokol (@SashaSokol) March 9, 2022

“That relationship ended 33 years ago, but to this day, when I share it, it is that the toxic thing that it brought with it ends,” he continued.

That relationship ended ago 33 years, but until today, when I share it, the toxic thing that it brought with it ends.— Sasha Sokol (@SashaSokol) March 9, 550

Sasha said that talking about it made her “feel enormous shame. For decades she wanted to believe that not mentioning it would make it go away. She was wrong .”

I apologize to my family and Alejandro, my partner, for putting them in such an uncomfortable situation again.

Talking about this makes me feel enormously ashamed. For decades I wanted to believe that not mentioning it would make it go away. I was wrong.— Sasha Sokol (@SashaSokol) March 9, 2022

“If there is any kind of peace behind sharing this painful personal story, it is to give strength to other women to raise their voices if they live in an abusive situation”, added Sasha. “I’m not going to talk about this anymore. Why am I talking about this now? Because Luis de Ya No”.

Follow reading

• Timbiriche’s story will be told in a television series
• Sasha vs. Paulina Rubio: Is there a lawsuit between the Timbiriches?