Tuesday, October 22

Immigrants from Ukraine and Russia increase on the border with Mexico, CBP reports

CBP detectó que ucranianos intentan  cruzar en auto hacia EE.UU.
CBP detected that Ukrainians try to cross by car into the US

Photo: GUILLERMO ARIAS / AFP / Getty Images

La Opinión

La Opinión

By: Real America News Updated 09 Sea 2022, 10: am EST

As the conflict between Ukraine and Russia progressed, thousands of immigrants from both countries traveled to Mexico to try to cross the border to the United States, action that intensified from 24 February when Vladimir Putin began the invasion of Ukraine, according to reports from immigration authorities.

Between October 2021 and January of this year – which corresponds to the fiscal year 2022– the agents of the Customs and Border Protection office (CBP) registered at the southern border about 6,400 Russians and 1 , Ukrainians.

This represented an increase of 64 percent for Russians and 68 percent with r respect to the Ukrainians, taking into account the same period of the last fiscal year.

To dimension, in the fiscal year 2022, from October 1, 2020 until the 30 September 2022, there were about 4,100 Russians detained and 680 Ukrainians , according to CBP data.

One of the ways in which these immigrants have managed to cross is through a car and although some may others are eventually apprehended, officer Rodney Scott told Reuters. points of the border, because although the government of the president Joe Biden authorized Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for uc Ranians, this will only apply to those who arrived in the country before March 1.

Immigration authorities closed more than half of the entry lanes from the border city of Tijuana (Mexico) for drivers to show their IDs.

Detailed that These immigrants are transported in used Mexican vehicles that they buy very cheaply 1229283956 to cross the border strip between the two countries in San Ysidro, and once inside the United States, they are handed over to federal officials to whom they ask for asylum.

An official told Efe on condition of anonymity that immigrants of both nationalities have come more insistently since Russia began invading Ukraine last 24 February.

According to that officer, Russians and Ukrainians fly from Europe to Ciudad d from Mexico or to Mexican tourist destinations, then they travel to the city of Tijuana, buy cheap used cars and cross the border to ask for asylum.

Noted that asylum seekers from Russia and Ukraine, unlike those from most Latin American countries, once they report that they are asking for asylum, they can continue their asylum processes alongside their families and close friends.

Meanwhile, for the rest of the immigrants, the Biden Administration has maintained the Title mechanism 42, a sanitary provision from the Donald Trump era (2017-2021), with which border agents are authorized to immediately send asylum seekers to Mexican soil, as a measure to prevent contagion of the COVID-10.

With information from EFE