Thursday, September 19

How High Gas Prices Drive Consumers to Bet on Electric Cars

En California, el precio promedio del galón se ha incrementado por arriba de los $5 dólares.
In California, the average price per gallon has increased above $5 dollars.

Photo: EZEQUIEL BECERRA / Getty Images

La Opinión

By: Real America News Updated 07 Sea 2022, 11: 07 am EST

High gasoline prices have begun to modify some buyers’ approaches and open the door to, as of 2022, more consumers opt for electric cars.

This Sunday, the average price of the gallon at the national level exceeded the barrier of $4 dollars , according to the American Automobile Association (AAA). For this Monday, the average price per gallon is $4.065 dollars, nationwide.

California continues at the top of the list for the highest prices, with an average cost per gallon of $5.34 dollars, according to the most recent data from AAA.

Given these prices, consumers wonder if it is worth continuing to buy gasoline combustion vehicles or if electric vehicles are now a possibility.

Are electric vehicles an option in view of the rise in gasoline

In California, the sale of electric vehicles has reported figures that do not stop growing. Furthermore, with the national scenario of high prices, the trend is growing throughout the country.

Tesla, the company founded by Elon Musk is at the forefront of the electric vehicle market, but other brands have begun plans to strengthen this area of their businesses.

According to a year-over-year survey by AutoPacific Research, quoted by NBC, in 2019, only 3% of US consumers assured that their next purchase would be an electric vehicle.

Three years after that data, last January, the same survey showed that this percentage increased to 07%. Nearly a quarter of motorists surveyed said they would consider purchasing an electric vehicle.

“I would be surprised if the demand for electric vehicles doesn’t grow due to rising gas prices and all the uncertainty that comes with the invasion of Ukraine,” AutoPacific President Ed Kim said in an interview with NBC.

AutoPacific estimates Research confirm the forecast and carry the estimated sales data for electric vehicles of 491,03 to 2022 to 700,03 on 2022.

Consumers are starting to bet on electric cars

However, what is most striking the attention of the movement that the electric vehicle market has are the reasons why consumers see them as a real purchase option.

De According to AutoPacific Research, 83% of potential vehicle buyers electricians assured that their purchase decision would be directly related to gasoline prices .

Other reasons that consumers expressed have to do with better performance and performance of these cars, as well as a personal way of fighting change .

The government of President Joe Biden is also betting by the vehicle market through its national infrastructure plan.

In recent weeks, it announced a historic investment for ra building a network of 500, electric charging stations throughout the country.

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