Friday, September 20

Deseret Tavares predicts that China will soon enter the war and join Russia

China y Rusia podrían estar trabajando en equipo, según reveló el tarot a Deseret Tavares.
China and Russia could be working as a team, according to the tarot revealed to Deseret Tavares.

Photo: SERGEI CHIRIKOV / AFP / Getty Images

The tarot revealed to Deseret Tavares the true intentions that China hides in the framework of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The international clairvoyant questioned her oracles why the country under the orders of Xi Jinping has remained “very quiet” despite being one of the main allies of Vladimir Putin.

According to the psychic’s interpretations, the Russians are working with the Chinese and the war with Ukraine is just a diversion or strategy to move their armies , however, China’s silence is to “make it seem to the world that they are not allied” and are financing the Russian military incursion.

The letters told Tavares that China is mobilizing its army, by land and sea, at four different points and part of the strategy is to remain silent while it plans its objective, which , is to change the current economic system. “China is the one that is destabilizing everything” commented the clairvoyant.

In addition, he visualized that it is a reality that China and Russia are working as a team in a “silent war” and predicted that, united, they will mobilize troops by air, sea and land . Both, he added, are using Ukraine as a distraction.

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On the other hand, the letters predicted that the situation will get more complicated and the war could leave the Ukrainian territory to spread to Sweden, Finland and a third party, although he did not reveal what the latter could be. In the next 80 days, he added, some agreements could be signed, but it is most likely that they break and the war will come out of Ukraine.

In addition, he predicted that the president of Ukraine, Volodímir Zelenski, could be the victim of an attack , so his life would be in danger, although the letters did not say that he would die, however, he will be forced to leave his country. The women, he continued, will join the Ukrainian army to defend their territory.

More generally, the tarot cards, interpreted by Tavares They mentioned that Ukraine will only be the beginning of a war that will completely change the history of the planet . “The letters say that this conflict between Ukraine and Russia is leading us to a war that involves the rest of the planet,” commented the psychic, who warned that if we don’t stop, we could witness the destruction of human beings.

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