Friday, September 20

AMLO will travel to Los Angeles, California, to participate in the Summit of the Americas

La Opinión

By: Real America News Updated 07 Mar 2022, 15 : 00 pm EST

The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, will travel to Los Angeles, California, in June to participate in the Summit of the Americas organized by the Government of the United States, Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard reported on Monday.

“We are preparing the Summit of the Americas on June 9, and it will be here in Los Angeles, then President López Obrador will come “, announced Ebrard in a video with the mayor of that city, Eric Garcetti.

I thanked @ericgarcetti – Mayor of Los Angeles – for his support of the Mexican community during the pandemic and we met with the Mexico-Los Angeles Commission to agree on new goals to achieve together.

—Marcelo Ebrard C. (@m_ebrard) March 7,

This would be López Obrador’s fourth trip abroad since he took office as president, in December of 2018.

All his trips have been to the United States, where he visited Donald Trump at the White House in July 2018, then he was at the UN in November 2021 and that same month he traveled to Washington to meet with President Joe Biden and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Ebrard did not detail López Obrador’s agenda, but the United States has summoned the leaders of the continent who have been “elected democratically ” to the IX Summit of the Americas from June 6 to in Los Angeles, where he looks for a regional pact on migration.

“It is incredible to have friendship on both sides of the border. As a grandson of Mexico, I am very proud of this relationship and the future, especially during the ‘Summit’ of the Americas”, Garcetti highlighted in the video with Ebrard.

After a meeting with the mayor, The foreign minister also commented that the purpose of his visit was to thank the mayor for the support he provided to Mexico during the pandemic.

López Obrador’s trip will take place while the Mexican president raises his demands for the United States to endorse an immigration reform that would regularize about 11 millions of foreigners with the warning that it will point out the “anti-Mexican” politicians who oppose it.

With information from Eph.

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