Saturday, September 21

AMLO warns of the possible use of Molotov cocktails on the march for International Women's Day in CDMX

César Reyes

The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, warned of a possible use of Molotov cocktails, hammers and blowtorches, during the march for International Women’s Day which will take place this Tuesday, March 8 in Mexico City.

“I make a call to those who are going to demonstrate tomorrow, the women, to that there be no provocations and that there is no violence, because we have information that they are preparing with hammers, with blowtorches, with Molotov cocktails. What is it about?”, he said from the National Palace.

Andrés Manuel López Obrador pointed out that in this march there are groups with political ends that only seek to confront their government and damage historical sites such as the National Palace or the Metropolitan Cathedral, both located in the center of the country’s capital.

“There are groups behind with other political goals that seek to confront… That would like to vandalize the (National) Palace and the Cathedral to project the image of a Mexico on fire,” he denounced.

“ That is no longer defending women, it is not even feminism, that is a conservative position, reactionary, against us, against the policy of transformation, which is a completely political stance”, he commented.

The Mexican president reiterated his call for the demonstrations to be carried out peacefully and not to use the movements feminists to cause violence.

“ I call for the demonstrations to be peaceful and not to fall into provocation and violence and also, I say it very clearly, so that do not use those who belong to feminist movements and are legitimately fighting for women”, argued the president.

“I want to contextualize all this so that things like this are not seen to happen for chance. No, we are in a process of transformation and confronting those who oppose it”, he pointed out.

Given the massive call that is made on social networks and how violent this march has become in the recent years for International Women’s Day, the authorities of Mexico City announced the deployment of 3,000 security elements made up entirely of women from the Secretariat of Citizen Security (SSC) who will only carry their protective equipment consisting of helmets, vests, knee pads and shields, as well as fire extinguishers to put out fires.

Since last Thursday, the capital government began the protection of monuments and businesses located along Paseo de la Reforma, Juárez Avenue and the Zócalo, among others, as part of preventive actions against mobilizations.

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