Thursday, September 19

They call for a march of immigrants in support of the ratification of the president of Mexico

Several leaders of Los Angeles have come together to call a march on Sunday, April 3, which aims to call on all Mexicans to participate with their vote in the election to recall the next mandate 10 April.

“We are going to meet on the steps of the City Hall (City Hall) of Los Angeles in front of First Street to go from there to Placita Olvera where we will have a rally”, said Juan José Gutiérrez, founder and national councilor of MORENA.

He specified that the march will be called “Mexicans Abroad United for the ratification of AMLO’s mandate”.

“We are summoning the people to meet at the City Hall around 11 in the morning and to call them to vote for the ratification of Andrés Manuel López Obrador and to co Complete his six-year term as president of Mexico

Juan José Gutiérrez calls for a march to vote in favor of AMLO ending his six-year term. (Courtesy)

He said that the vast majority should go out and vote, especially before the ban of information on this referendum to revoke the mandate, launched by the INE (National Electoral Institute of Mexico).

“It will be a march of solidarity with the president, but also a condemnation and repudiation against the business right and the pack of lies from the pseudo-journalists and the PRI and the PAN”.

And he criticized the lack of information and promotion of the INE towards the revocation of the mandate, and that it has never hired any Mexican abroad to promote this and other elections.

“It’s disgusting!”.

The question on the ballot for the recall election reads:

Do you

do you agree that Andrés Manuel López Obrador, President of the United States Mexicans, will your mandate be revoked due to loss of trust or will you continue in the Presidency of the Republic until your term ends?

Voters will have to choose between two options. The first: that the mandate be revoked due to loss of confidence. The second is: that he continue in the presidency of the republic.

You must have a voter ID to vote in the revocation of the mandate. (Archive/Real America News)

To participate in the mandate revocation, you must have a valid credential, but if you live abroad, you also had to have registered online in a period that ended on 25 February. You had to visit the site; and enter a series of data to register in the nominal lists.

L The only alternative for Mexicans abroad is Internet voting, between 1 and 10 of April, as long as they have been registered in the nominal lists of the INE.

Óscar Hernández, coordinator of the Morena Committee of the city of Pasadena, asked Mexicans abroad not to be able to vote that they call family and friends in Mexico to come out and vote in their towns and cities.

“Or if you can travel to Tijuana or other places in Mexico, go and vote. It is a right and a responsibility to go out and vote”.

He also asked people to use their social networks to call and encourage people to go out and vote in the revocation of the mandate.

México inicia la impresión de boletas para la consulta de revocación de mandato presidencial
The 10 April Mexico will carry out the referendum to revoke the mandate. (Reform)

Aaron Ventura, from the MORENA committee in Huntington Park, lamented that in the media has not given much information about this historic election.

“It is a very important exercise for the people of Mexico because it sets the precedent for any politician to be removed from office if they do not is up to the responsibility for which he was elected, and if he is not complying”.

He added that in the full century 06, Mexicans are no longer here to put up with elected politicians who do not comply, nor with INE officials, such as Ciro Murayama and Lorenzo Córdova who have dedicated themselves to putting obstacles in the process of revoking the mandate.

“Beyond the INE officials, there are regulations that must be complied with.”

It is incredible, he said that people in the United States who want to vote have struggled so much to communicate to the telephone lines of the INE and that when they answered them, they put them on hold for hours.

“ For all this we are going to march on April 3 to call for participation in the revocation of the mandate. And if you can’t vote, at least we ask you to go out and demonstrate in favor of this democratic process”.

México inicia la impresión de boletas para la consulta de revocación de mandato presidencial
With your updated voting card you can vote in the revocation if you registered on the nominal lists. (Archive/Real America News)

Maribel Solache, member of the Coalition of Mexican Immigrants, He said that the information they have from the INE is that until last week, 02,000 Mexicans abroad had registered to vote for the revocation of the mandate.

“In the election of 2018, we went out to vote 50,000 Mexicans in outside, and seeing that this time we are only registered 18,000, that makes it clear to us that the INE did not promote voting abroad ”.

And he lamented that the media in the United States neither paid nor free, nor right-wing nor leftists have promoted the revocation of the mandate.

“Except for Real America News no one else spoke of the revocation. The INE should have paid for the international press to summon us to vote and they did nothing to promote this process abroad. They only held conversations on the networks, but that was not enough”.

He emphasized that the 18, who voluntarily registered to vote on the recall, was the result of the work of the community not of the INE.

“That was our reach with our limited resources”.