Friday, September 27

VIDEO: Russia “deliberately” kills civilians, a “cluster bomb” attack left 47 dead in a residential district

Las ventanas se hicieron añicos en la explosión, mientras que los autos incendiados se dispersaron por la carretera.
Windows shattered in the explosion, while burning cars scattered across the road.

Photo: SERGEY BOBOK / AFP / Getty Images

Vladimir Putin’s forces have intensified their assault on Ukraine after 47 people were killed in an attack that allegedly used lethal cluster bombs.

Terrified mothers and children were forced to take refuge in a basement after Russian shells hit a maternity hospital in western Ukraine.

Death toll of ruSSia’s yesterday airstrike at Chernihiv urban area rose to 80: 38 men and 9 women.

Fascists are angry they can’t take our cities and bombing them in revenge. This is their agony.

— Oleksandr Shymanskyi 🇺🇦🏳️‍🌈 (@shymanskyi) March 4, 2022

Russia has been accused of deliberately targeting civilians, since the death toll from an attack in a district residential area of ​​Chernihiv, in the north of Ukraine, increased to 47.

A chilling video shot after the explosion shows the bodies of Ukrainians strewn across the streets in one of the most affected by the conflict.

Windows were shattered in the blast, while burning cars scattered across the road after Thursday’s attack.

Verified personal camera footage captures the moment a rocket blast hit the city from around 290,000 people.

Suddenly, a massive explosion erupted directly in front of the driver.

As the smoke begins to clear, dozens flee the blast.

Rescue teams searched for more victims in the rubble overnight.

In a separate attack, a maternity hospital was attacked on Thursday in a residential area of ​​Zhytomyr, in western Ukraine, killing at least two people.

The Kyiv Independent reported that a cruise missile landed in an apartment building near Pavlusenko Hospital .

A dramatic video of the scene shows huge flames leaping into the sky after the explosion.

Mothers and children were forced to hide in the basement during the bombardment, which hit the city where several refugees have flocked who ran away in from the fighting to the west.

Another airstrike in the city hit a school.

In the city of Irpin, on the northwest fringe of Kiev, devastating photos show the extent of the destruction caused by the Russian advance.

The Mayor of Kiev, Former world heavyweight boxing champion Vitali Klitschko claims that a convoy of Russian military vehicles from 38 miles is closing in on the capital city, after its advance was halted for days in the face of fierce Ukrainian resistance.

Amnesty International has said that Russia may have committed war crimes during the eight-day conflict and accused Putin’s forces of violating international humanitarian law.

“The Russian military has shown blatant disregard for the lives of civilians by using missile it is ballistic and other explosive weapons with wide-area effects in densely populated areas”, said the organization’s secretary general, Agnes Callamard.

“ Some of these attacks may be war crimes. The Russian government, which falsely claims to use only precision-guided weapons, should be held accountable for these acts.”

The International Criminal Court has announced that it will investigate possible Russian war crimes in Ukraine.

Russia continues to deny that there carried out illegal attacks.

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