Friday, September 27

How to balance your 7 chakras using plants

The 7 chakras can be balanced with certain types of plants, so including them in the diet helps them function properly. If you want an alternative to visualization or meditation exercises to unblock your energy vortexes, these natural elements are a viable option.

The charkas are the circles or points of energy that are distributed to along the spine, from the coccyx to the crown, and are responsible for balancing the body with the mind . They absorb energy and process it, triggering a physiological response in ourselves, therein lies the importance of having them balanced.

Plants have their own vibratory frequency, which can be aligned with the energy that you need each of the chakras. According to WeMystic, these are the plants that are associated with each of the energy vortexes of the body and revealed how to use them to help them function properly.

Plants for the root chakra

Dandelion, garlic and onion are the plants that are associated with the root charka, which helps us to stay rooted in the earth. In the case of dandelion, it can be used in an infusion or oils, while garlic and onion are enough to include them in the daily diet.

Plants for the sacral chakra

This charka is connected with the ability to create, so some plants that have the right vibrational frequency for it are calendula and the gardenia. If you want it in your diet, sesame is the food that contains this energy or you can place gardenia flowers directly on this chakra, that is, below your navel.

Plants for the solar plexus chakra

It is associated with self-control and is where our identity lies. Ginger, celery, cinnamon, turmeric and rosemary are some of the plants that motivate it to function well. Consuming some of these options daily will help us keep it healthy.

Plants for the heart chakra

Regulates all issues that have to do with love, family, partner, empathy, ability to forgive and gratitude. The plants that help you stay unlocked are cinnamon, basil, jasmine, lavender and roses. You can consume these plants in infusions or take a relaxing bath with them.

Plants for the throat chakra

It is the one that regulates the expressions and the way of communicating. The plants that have adequate energy to make it work well are lemon, mint and eucalyptus. Lemon and mint infusions keep it unblocked, while eucalyptus can be placed directly in the throat as its consumption is not recommended.

Plants for the third eye chakra

Located between the eyebrows, it regulates intuition, imagination and perception. To strengthen it mint, basil, rosemary and lavender are recommended . They can be consumed or applied in relaxing baths.

Plants for the crown chakra

It is the chakra of wisdom and spiritual enlightenment. The plant that is most recommended to balance it is lavender.

You may be interested in: How to know in 2 minutes if your chakras are unbalanced