Tuesday, October 8

Kiev Zoo drama, hundreds of animals sedated and in underground shelters at risk of dying

Actualmente los animales permanecen en áreas subterráneas para mantenerlos a salvo.
Currently the animals remain in underground areas to keep them safe.

Photo: SERGEI SUPINSKY / AFP / Getty Images

La Opinión

By: Real America News Updated 03 Sea 2022, 54: 10 pm EST

In this war that seems to have no end, we find another very vulnerable sector, the animals of the Kiev zoo.

At least 4, animals of 200 different species live in the zoo of the Ukrainian capital. Until a few days ago, after the beginning of the war actions, none of them had been evacuated.

The place is located in the area of Beresteika, in the midst of recent attacks on Ukraine, where dozens of explosions have been reported, thus affecting their physical integrity.

Elephants, camels, tigers, llamas, as well as the only gorilla in Ukraine, among other species, are in danger of suffering the ravages of these attacks or dying without food, because site staff have little hope of moving all the animals to other zoos for safety.

Kyrylo Trantin, head of the zoo, is the one who takes care of them, however, given the circumstances, he considers that, “It is almost impossible to evacuate the animals, because it is impossible provide adequate veterinary service and transportation”.

Given the concern for the welfare of the animals, it was necessary to house them in underground enclosures to keep them safe , the most vulnerable received sedatives, especially the elephants and some other predators, “Our guardians also stay with them at night,” emphasized the manager.

In addition to this situation, the food shortage seems close, since you indicated that you have supplies for at least ten days.

Tigers and lions travel two days to escape the war

Due to the situation, some Ukrainian zoos recently managed to evacuate six lions, six tigers, two caracals and an African wild dog , after a two-day journey, managing to reach the Poznań Zoo in western Poland.

These animals ills experienced a great journey as the truck that was transporting them, on a first attempt towards Poland, encountered Russian tanks blocking their path.

The vehicle turned many times, because all the streets they were trying to travel through were destroyed and full of holes.

All the animals survived the long journey, but there was concern about a tigress of 17 For years she seemed very tired.

On the way, three older men with no experience with animals supported the driver to get out of the area.

Finally, the animals arrived at a zoo in Poznan, where some will rest for a couple of days, since a Belgian sanctuary declared that it will welcome the six lions and the African wild dog.

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