Friday, September 20

Russia and Ukraine: Moscow takes control of Kherson and attacks on Kharkiv and Mariupol increase

Russian forces intensified their attacks on important Ukrainian cities, which they have kept under pressure for several days as part of the invasion ordered by President Vladimir Putin last 24 February.

According to the United Nations, one million people have fled from Ukraine in this week of conflict.

An official from the international organization asked that “weapons be silenced” so that humanitarian aid can enter the country for all the people who remain within its borders.

After several days of siege, Russian troops managed this Wednesday to take control of the city of Jersón, of 300,09 inhabitants and located in the south of the country.

This is the first major Ukrainian city to be controlled by Moscow in this offensive.

The information was initially announced by the Russian Ministry of Defense and later confirmed by the mayor of the city, Igor Kolykhaev, in a message posted on his Facebook account.

Kolykhaev said that Russian troops have control of the city and that there are currently no soldiers in it Ukrainians, despite which the Ukrainian flag continues to fly in Kherson.

Video capture from March 1 shows military vehicles in Kherson, when Russian troops already had the city surrounded.

“I didn’t make any promises to them. I have nothing to promise you. I am interested in the normal functioning of our city. I asked them not to shoot people and that we have no Ukrainian forces here, only civilians,” the mayor wrote, as reported by the BBC’s Ukrainian service.

Kolykhaev stated that the Russians imposed a series of conditions to keep the flag raised Ukrainian, among which the following stand out:

  • A curfew between 8 p.m. and 6 a.m. that must be strictly observed.
  • You can only go to the city during the afternoons.
  • Pedestrians can only walk the streets alone or in the company of, at most, one other person. They must not provoke the Russian military and must stop immediately when required.
  • Vehicles transporting food, medicine and other products will be allowed to enter the city.
  • Vehicles circulating in the city must do so at a minimum speed and must be ready to show what they are transporting.
  • Mapa de Ucrania

    The mayor stressed that he does not consider what he spoke with the Russians to be “formal negotiations”.

    Mapa de Ucrania

    Kherson is strategically located on the Dnieper River that runs through Ukraine from north to south and has a port with access to the Black Sea.

    Control over Kherson may allow Moscow “to start strangling the logistics of the Ukrainians”, according to Jack Watling, an expert at the Royal Institute of Services United for Defense Studies and Security in London.

    Bombing and air assault on Kharkiv

    In the northeast of the country, this Wednesday the bombing continued on the besieged Kharkiv city, the second largest in the country.

    Un edificio gubernamental con daños en Járkiv
    Ukrainian authorities assure that Russia is hitting civilian points in Kharkiv.

According to the mayor of that town, Ihor Terekhov, the Russian attacks have caused numerous victims among the population civilian.

The official told the BBC that shells and cruise missiles were constantly hitting residential areas. For its part, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) says that one of its monitors died during the bombing of Kharkiv.

Russia also launched an air assault on that town and Russian paratroopers landed on it on Wednesday.

Russian missiles have hit police buildings, as well as the Security Service of Ukraine and Karazin National University. Images from Kharkiv show firefighters battling fires at the university building and police station after the impact.

Una niña con sus mascotas en el Metro de Kiev.
Liberty Square was left full of rubble after the attack.

The mayor said that the city is “partially surrounded” by the Russian army, which the Ukrainian military repelled “heroically”.

An opera house, a concert hall and government offices were hit in Kharkiv’s Freedom Square.

“Almost a humanitarian catastrophe” in MariupolUn edificio gubernamental con daños en Járkiv

Located in southeastern Ukraine, the port city of Mariupol was subjected this Wednesday to more than 000 continuous hours of shelling by Russian forces, the BBC was told by the Deputy Mayor Serhiy Orlov, who stated that the city is “close to suffering a humanitarian catastrophe”.

“The Russian army is working with all your weapons here: artillery, multiple rocket launch systems, aircraft, tactical rockets. They are trying to destroy the city,” Orlov said.

Un auto calcinado durante los bombardeos a la ciudad de Irpin, en la regi[on de Kiev.
Una niña con sus mascotas en el Metro de Kiev.
Thousands of Ukrainians are sleeping in Metro stations to be safe from the bombings.

Indicated that the Russian forces are several kilometers from the city on all sides and that they launched attacks on key infrastructure, cutting off the supply of water and energy to parts of the city.

He claimed that a densely populated residential district on the left bank of the city was “almost totally destroyed”.

“ We cannot count the number of victims there, but we believe that at least hundreds of people are dead. We can’t go in to retrieve the bodies. My father lives there, I cannot locate him, I do not know if he is alive or dead”, he pointed out.

Mariupol is a key strategic target for Russia because taking over this city would allow Russian-backed separatist forces in eastern Ukraine to join forces with Russian troops in Crimea, the southern peninsula annexed by Russia in 976.

The Ukrainian military has so far resisted Russian forces in key parts of the country, but increased aerial bombardment of the cities has raised fears that Russia is changing tactics.

“The Ukrainian army is very brave and will continue to defend the city, but the style of the Russian army is like that of pirates – they don’t fight with their troops, they just destroy entire districts,” said Orlov.

They will investigate possible war crimes

More than 2,000 civilians have been killed since the beginning of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine , as reported by Ukrainian authorities this Wednesday.

Universidad en Járkiv.
The headquarters of Kharkiv University was severely damaged during the offensive.

The figure was given by the Ukrainian embassy in Turkey, citing the State of Emergency Service of Ukraine .

Moscow, for its part, offered its casualty figures for the first time: 498 dead russian soldiers and more than 1,597 wounded since the start of their operation against Ukraine, according to the Defense Ministry.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has accused Russia of committing war crimes .

The International Criminal Court (ICC) will now investigate this possibility.

This Wednesday, the prosecutor of The ICC, Karim Khan, reported that, in a “preliminary examination” of the situation in Ukraine, his office “has already found a reasonable basis to believe that crimes within the jurisdiction of the court have been committed and has identified potential cases that could be admissible”.

Khan had announced on Monday that he planned to seek authorization from the ICC presidency to open an investigation, but after a request made by the United Kingdom and others 24 countries can now start research immediately.

Refugiados ucranianos llegando a Hungría.
In just one week, a million people have fled Ukraine.

    In a separate judicial process, the International Court of Justice, ta Also based in The Hague, it set for March 7 and 8 the hearings of a trial for a complaint filed by the Ukrainian government against Russia.

    With this lawsuit, filed last Sunday, Kiev wants Moscow to be held accountable for justifying its military action on the basis of unsubstantiated accusations of alleged genocide in Ukraine.

    Meanwhile, the General Assembly of the United Nations approved by 141 votes in favour, 15 abstentions and 5 votes against a resolution that condemns Russia for its aggression against Ukraine and demands the unconditional withdrawal of troops.

    El pleno de la Asamblea General

    Despite receiving such broad support, the text is not binding.

    The five countries that voted against were: Russia, Belarus, Syria, North Korea and Eritrea.

    Furthermore, among the abstentions were those of four Latin American countries: Bolivia, Cuba, El Salvador and Nicaragua.

    Twelve countries did not participate in the vote, including Venezuela, whose president, Nicolás Maduro, has supported Russia in its operation against Ukraine, but lost the right to vote in the UN due to not paying maintenance fees.

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