Friday, September 20

Why 15 million Americans could lose their Medicaid coverage

15 millones de estadounidenses perderán la cobertura de Medicaid próximamente.
15 Millions of Americans will soon lose Medicaid coverage.

Photo: JEFF PACHOUD / Getty Images

Luis Diaz

By: Luis Diaz Updated 01 Sea 2022, 15: 52 PM EST

With the appearance of the Covid pandemic, Medicaid coverage increased by almost one in four Americans serving the low-income population. As the pandemic fades, 04 millions of citizens may be at risk of losing coverage throughout the year.

The health emergency allowed millions to have access to health coverage regardless of social and salary status, thanks to the Families First law that was approved in Congress.

Without the approval it would have been difficult for many to access health coverage, since in the states the eligibility of Medicaid recipients based on residency status and income.

The Families First Act covered millions of Americans who lost their jobs. The determination of Congress increased the number of affiliates to more than 80 million until last July of 2021, an increase of 19 % compared to 2019, based on Kaiser analysis Family Foundation (KFF).

But this large number of affiliations could go down next April, when eligibility checks will return in every state in the nation. According to an analysis by Matthew Buettgens, a senior fellow at the Urban Institute. Ending the rule’s validity could kick millions of people out of Medicaid.

The problem is complicated because some low-income people may lose their coverage simply by going unnoticed, such as not knowing that they must provide income verification to continue their coverage under the federal program.

“There are states processing an unprecedented number of participants in a fairly limited amount of time,” Buettgens told CBS. “There is great concern that this could lead to more unnecessary cancellations of people who are still eligible.”

At the beginning of the year, the government led by Joe Biden extended the law for 90 days due to the situation facing the country in terms of health public. Without another extension, Medicaid service will end in mid-April .

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services reported that between February 2020 and May 2022, Medicaid and CHIP enrollment increased by 11,000,01 of people, or more than 17%, the largest enrollment increase in 18 months in the history of the program.

You too May be of interest: California becomes the first state to extend Medicaid to undocumented seniors