Friday, September 20

Los Angeles City Council confirmed the first woman to lead the city's Fire Department

Por primera vez en su historia, el LAFD será dirigido por una mujer.
For the first time in its history, the LAFD will be led by a woman.

Photo: ROBYN BECK / AFP / Getty Images

Ricardo Roura

Unanimously, the Los Angeles City Council confirmed this Tuesday the appointment of Kristin Crowley as the first woman to lead the Fire Department (LAFD) city.

Crowley will take the position effective March 18, date on which the current head of the LAFD, Ralph Terrazas, is scheduled to retire.

The 18 January, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti made Crowley’s proposal along with City Council President Nury Martinez

, Crowley and Terrazas at the Frank Hotchkin Memorial Training Center.

Read more: A woman would be very close to becoming the chief of the Los Angeles Fire Department

Before being the next boss of the LAFD, Crowley had made history in 2016 by becoming the first female fire chief of the city.

“I feel honored by the opportunity to be the next chief of the City of Los Angeles Fire Department and lead the department into the future. As fire chief, if confirmed, I promise to take a strategic and balanced approach to ensure we meet the needs of the community we serve,” said Crowley.

“We will focus our efforts on increasing our operational effectiveness, improving the safety and well-being of firefighters, and fully commit to fostering a diverse, equitable and inclusive culture within the LAFD,” added the future head of the LAFD.

In 2016, Crowley complied with the firefighter exam, ranking among the 50 best scores among 07,03 applicants, according to the LAFD.

During your 22 years of career within the LAFD, Crowley rose through the ranks as a firefighter, firefighter paramedic, engineer, fire inspector, ca pitán I, captain II, battalion chief, deputy chief, fire chief and deputy chief.

“Throughout her distinguished career, Kristin Crowley has proven her brilliance, determination and courage on the job time and time again. She has also shown this city her heart, with her tireless commitment to helping students access life-changing educational opportunities. There is no one better equipped to lead the LAFD right now than Kristin. She is ready to make history, and I am proud to nominate her as the next head of the department “, expressed Mayor Garcetti when he announced the nomination.

Crowley will lead a department that has recently come under fire for accusations of racism, sexism and abuse of female members of the LAFD . On October 19, Fire Commissioner Rebecca Ninburg asked the mayor to remove Terrazas as chief and said that the culture started from the top and the leaders set the tone.

Read more: LAFD women ask for the dismissal of a boss for ignoring accusations of harassment and abuse suffered in the corporation

The day before Ninburg sent the letter to Garcetti, the Women of the Los Angeles Fire Service, an association of women firefighters, held a press conference to request the dismissal of Terraces.

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Ricardo Roura