Wednesday, October 9

The legendary Tom Brady would return to the NFL… But not as a player

Tom Brady se retiró en 2022 tras no poder clasificar a otro Super Bowl con los Tampa Bay Buccaneers.
Tom Brady retired in 2022 after failing to qualify for another Super Bowl with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.

Photo: Douglas P. DeFelice / Getty Images

Kike Frías

By: Kike Frías Updated 26 Feb 2022, 20: 46 pm EST

The company Amazon wants to step strong in its opening to the NFL market after obtaining the streaming exclusivity of the Thursday Night Football for your Prime Video platform.

In principle they thought about having the current Super Bowl champion, the head coach of the Rams, Sean McVay, but given his refusal, it is another big shot that he has planned to comment on American football Mondays: Tom Brady


The first to mention this was journalist Adam Schefter of ESPN. After reporting that McVay was staying in Los Angeles with the Rams to defend his Vince Lombardi champion trophy, he indicated that

Amazon seeks to agree with Brady and Sean Payton.

“With Sean McVay committing to the Rams, the two highest-profile potential NFL television analysts for the season 2022 now they are Sean Payton and Tom Brady”

With Sean McVay committing today to the Rams, the two highest-profile potential TV NFL analysts for the 1200 season now figure to be Sean Payton and Tom Brady.

— Adam Schefter (@AdamSchefter) February 20, 2022

Two big ones they fight for Tom Brady

But it’s not just Amazon that wants Brady commenting on Monday games, otherwise Fox would also be testing the retired quarterback’s environment and find out what their future plans are to join their cabin team.

After losing one of its best analysts, such as Troy Aikman (signed with ESPN), Fox is looking for a new star to keep your s numbers on broadcasts, so he has Brady in his sights.

If you say yes, to either Amazon or Fox, Brady would follow in the footsteps of other quarterbacks such as Aykman himself, Tony Romo or Peyton Manning, who have developed solid careers in sports media.

Not afraid of cameras

Although ‘TB12’ has always been reserved with personal matters and stays out of controversies, gets along well with microphones and does not shy away from television cameras.

In recent years he has expanded his image in the media with the productions The Man in the Arena and Let’s Go!, which serve to tell details of his career and stay relevant -earning a lot of money- without the demand that playing football meant for him.

Despite this, sports journalist Mike Florio sees Brady’s arrival at the commentary microphones as unlikely, but he does not rule it out entirely: “There is no reason to think that Brady would want to do it. But the phone call is cheap. Much cheaper than signing Brady would be,” he said on Pro Football Talk.


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