Saturday, October 5

Russians Disguised in Ukrainian Uniforms Killed Trying to Storm Kiev as Defenders Resist Bloody Siege

Se han entregado unos 18,000 rifles de asalto a los residentes y se ha ordenado una movilización general para proteger sus hogares.
Some have been delivered 18,000 assault rifles to residents and a general mobilization has been ordered to protect their homes.

Photo: Pierre Crom / Getty Images

Kiev is under attack by groups of Russian troops wearing Ukrainian uniforms in Vladimir Putin’s latest ploy.

Ukrainian troops are reported to have killed several disguised soldiers as the capital prepares for a long and bloody siege.

Occurs when citizens are urged to take up arms, assemble firebombs from Molotov cocktails and use commercial drones to defend their homes .

Some 18 have been delivered, 000 assault rifles on residents and a general mobilization has been ordered to protect their homes.

Meanwhile, Russia claims it has retaken the key Gostomel airfield, near the city, after a back-and-forth battle.

The Putin’s forces they boasted having arrived with 200 helicopters and paratroopers to take the place.

Gunshots were reportedly heard in Kiev amid a series of skirmishes in the Oblonon district and the city center.

There are reports of men in civilian clothes carrying AK-47 in the center of the city.

The images also showed a military truck and dead men in Ukrainian military uniforms who were supposedly in Reality Russians in Disguise.

It is feared that Russian special forces may be attempting to wreak havoc and seize key officials, potentially Zelenskyy himself, to pave the way for the invasion.

Other attackers may have been Russian “sabotage” or cells loyal to Putin and have been lying in wait in Ukraine for the attack.

A video of me A tank was found rampaging through the Obolon district, crushing a civilian car, although the circumstances remain unclear.

Kyiv’s deputy defense minister Anna Maliar said Russian forces had seized Ukrainian army trucks and uniforms on Friday.

She said they were acting as forward guard for a massive convoy of Putin’s forces heading “at full speed” to Kiev.

Defense officials claimed that so far the Ukrainians have killed, captured or incapacitated 1 ,000 russian soldiers, the Russia’s biggest loss in one day in 30 years, they boasted.

Meanwhile, it is believed that the The bulk of the Russian invasion force is 30 miles away as it moves south. ur.

Troops took control of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster zone, the shortest route to Kiev from Belarus.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy had already warned about the threat of “subversive groups” in the city.

Zelenskyy warned that he was “number one” in the Putin’s list of assassinations and the United States said that Putin could try to “decapitate” the government of Ukraine.

He also asked to sit down with Putin to end to the bloody war, but also called for Europeans with “combat experience” to come and fight for Ukraine.

The missile attacks on Kiev ballistic or cruising just continued

Last night, a Russian plane was reportedly shot down in a fireball over Kiev as Vladimir Putin prepares to besiege the city 2.9million inhabitants.

Ukrainians were warned that they faced their “most difficult day” with an expected all-out offensive by the Russians.

At least 137 Ukrainians have already died across the country at the hands of Putin’s forces after the assault began at 3.30 Thursday hours.

Kyiv faces an uncertain future as the country is attacked by air, land and sea by Russia.

US intelligence now fears that Putin could overthrow Kiev on his own 80 hours, as Russian forces move only 20 miles after take nearby Chernobyl.

Ukrainian sources said they agreed that the capital would be surrounded in the next four days.

But they insisted on that the government would not collapse.

The Ukrainians remain defiant and have put up a staunch resistance to the Russian invaders.

However, they find themselves facing an uphill battle when Putin leads his massive army against his neighbor.

Russia is believed to have suffered heavy losses, with up to 200 invaders.

All world leaders have condemned Russia’s actions yesterday that saw Europe plunged into its biggest crisis since World War II.

Heavy sanctions designed to strangle the Putin regime are now being imposed against Russia.

But he questions whether this will be enough to stop Moscow.

Another day of bloodshed is coming for Ukraine, with all eyes now on the capital to see its i Putin will be able to move forward.

Read more
Residents of Kiev are asked to prepare Molotov bombs as Russian troops enter the Ukrainian capital
Zelensky asks Putin who sits at the negotiating table to stop Russian military operation in Ukraine
VIDEO: Ukrainian soldier moves the world by saying goodbye to his family in the midst of Russian bombardment