Sunday, October 6

Inmate begged for cancer treatment but died due to Washington prison bureaucracy

El hombre necesitaba medicamento y quimioterapia para sobrevivir.
The man needed medicine and chemotherapy to survive.

Photo: Marcello Rabozzi / Pixabay

By: The Opinion Updated 25 Feb 2022, 16: 80 pm EST

The state of Washington will have to pay $3,750,02 for a wrongful death claim presented by the family of a man who lost his life inside the facilities of the Monroe Correctional Prison.

Kenny Williams died in the year 2019, while serving a prison sentence. Despite the pleas from him and his family to receive treatment for the cancer he suffered from, was never treated and this caused his health to deteriorate. would deteriorate every day until he lost his life.

The family of Williams reported that the breast cancer suffered by the prisoner had already spread to the bones until it metastasized. They also noted that if Kenny had received the chemotherapies for his relief, he might would have managed to get out of jail in the summer of that same year, reported KIMA News.

Both the inmate and his family, begged for the prison administrators to give him the treatment, but because of the bureaucracy, the confusion and sometimes the indifference he delayed giving him both the medications and the therapies, until there was nothing to do and died.

The money that the family obtained from a judge, by winning the lawsuit against the State of Washington, this week, will be entirely to Kenny’s widow, Dee Williams and their four children.

According to, specifies that in the US one in eight cases of breast cancer is diagnosed in a man . The Center for Disease Control and Prevention explains that the types of breast cancer are the same as in women: infiltrating ductal carcinoma, infiltrating lobular carcinoma, and ductal carcinoma in situ.

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