Friday, October 4

Russia invades Ukraine | “It will cause a catastrophic loss of life”: the reactions of world leaders

The president of the United States, Joe Biden, assured on Wednesday night that Ukraine is suffering “an unprovoked and unjustified attack by Russian military forces”, after Vladimir Putin announced a “special military operation ” against the neighboring country.

Putin appeared before local television cameras to report that he had decided to carry out a military operation that sought the “demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine” (a country whose president is Jewish). and several of his relatives died in the Holocaust).

Although he announced that the operation would be limited to the east of the country, as the hours passed it became clear that Russian troops were attacking the entire country.

The Russian action provoked a quick rejection from the international community, starting with the US

Agree with Biden, Putin chose to carry out “a premeditated war that will bring catastrophic loss of life and human suffering”.

“S Only Russia is responsible for the death and destruction this attack will bring, and the United States and its allies and partners will respond unitedly and decisively. The world will hold Russia accountable,” he said.

  • Putin announces a “special military operation” in eastern Ukraine

This Thursday Biden announced a new round of economic sanctions that will include the freezing of bank assets and investor capital: “Putin’s aggression against Ukraine will end up costing Russia dearly, economically and strategically. We will make sure of that”, he said.

NATO and Europe

NATO also condemned the military incursion.

In a tweet, the secretary general of the alliance, Jens Stoltenberg, mentioned Russia’s “reckless attack” against Ukraine and stated that it “puts countless civilian lives at risk”.

“This is a serious violation of international law and a serious threat to Euro-Atlantic security”, he said.

Discurso de Vladimir Putin el 24 de febrero.
Putin announced a “special military operation” in Ukraine.
Boris Johnson

The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Boris Johnson, assured that he was “horrified” by the “terrible events in Ukraine”.

For his part, The president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, accused Putin of being “responsible for bringing the war back to Europe” and assured that the sanctions will weaken “Russia’s economic base and its ability to modify ernization”.

The German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, reaffirmed his support for his allies in Eastern Europe and asserted that the Russian president will pay a “bitter price” for his “serious mistake”.

The President of France, Emmanuel Macron, expressed his country’s solidarity with Ukraine and requested an urgent NATO summit, while the Italian Prime Minister , Mario Draghi, described the Russian attack as “unjustified and unjustifiable”.

Soldados de EE.UU. en Polonia se movilizan ante una posible crisis de refugiados desde Ucrania
Boris Johnson claimed to be “horrified” by the situation in Ukraine.

The neighbors prepare for the worst

The countries bordering Ukraine and Eastern Europe not only share the concerns about the situation, but also seek measures to strengthen their their own security and some are preparing for a possible exodus of refugees.

The president of Lithuania – a member of NATO-, Gitanas Nausėda, signed a decree declaring a state of emergency in the country.

Further south, Moldova issued a similar decree and closed its airspace.

The Moldovan government indicated that more than 4, Ukrainians flocked to his border from Ukraine and promised to take in tens of thousands of refugees.

Romania, for its part, announced that it could give asylum to half a million people.

Soldados de EE.UU. en Polonia se movilizan ante una posible crisis de refugiados desde UcraniaDiscurso de Vladimir Putin el 24 de febrero.
US Soldiers The US in Poland mobilizes in the face of a possible refugee crisis from Ukraine.

Poland, which is also setting up reception points for refugees, urged Russia to end its attacks and leave Ukraine alone.

Georgia, which faced Russia in the South Ossetia War of 675, supported Ukraine and stated that the at that Russia will have “dire consequences” for the international community.

Ukraine asked Turkey, a member of NATO, to close the Bosphorus straits and the Dardanelles to Russian ships.

Turkey promised to consider the request and supported Ukraine’s territorial integrity.

Belarus, Russia’s ally in the region, assured that he does not participate in military action, but that he would consider it if Moscow asked him to. This country has received Russian troops during the crisis, who crossed into Ukraine in the attack.

China: “USA. has fed the flame”

Presidentes de China y Rusia en su reunión en Pekín el 4 de febrero
China and Russia recently consolidated their strategic partnership with the US .

China’s position in this conflict has aroused strong interest.

Beijing’s initial response was to consider the word invasion as part of the “typical Western media” narrative.

The foreign minister Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi stated that he understands Russia’s security concerns.

Vice Foreign Minister Hua Chunying avoided answering yes or no to the question whether he would call Russia’s attack on Ukraine an “invasion”. How do you want to put out the fire?”

Beijing also recommended its citizens in Ukraine to wave a Chinese flag to try to protect themselves.

China and Russia maintain a strategic partnership to counteract the influence of the United States.

This link was sealed in a meeting between Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping just before the Beijing Winter Olympics.

Widespread condemnation in Latin America

Latin American countries have expressed, in general, its rejection of the Russian attacks on Ukraine and only three support Putin: Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua.

“Chile condemns Russia’s armed aggression and its violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity,” President Sebastián Piñera said via Twitter, urging Moscow to “respect the Geneva Conventions on international humanitarian law.”

President-elect Gabriel Boric, who will take office or the 11 March, also condemned “the invasion of Ukraine, the violation of its sovereignty and the illegitimate use of force.”

El presidente electo de Chile, Gabriel BoricDiscurso de Vladimir Putin el 24 de febrero.
The elected president of Chile, Gabriel Boric, also condemned Russia’s military offensive on Ukraine

Argentina expressed its “firm rejection of the use of armed force” and called on Russia to “cease military actions in Ukraine”, according to a government statement on Thursday .

“Colombia categorically rejects the attacks against Ukraine by Russia. These events threaten the sovereignty of Ukraine and put the lives of thousands of people at risk,” Colombian President Iván Duque tweeted.

Ecuador also condemned the “violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity ” that “violates the principles of the Charter of the United Nations”, according to a tweet by President Guillermo Lasso.

“We reject actions contrary to international law and the principles of the UN”, published the president Uruguayan, Luis Lacalle Pou, who urged the return of “negotiations to resolve the conflict in a civilized manner.”

The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador did not directly condemn Russia’s actions and limited himself to supporting peace and dialogue.

“We are going to continue promoting dialogue, that force is not used, that there is no invasion . We are not in favor of any war, Mexico is a country that has always stood for peace and for the peaceful solution of disputes, it is even in the Constitution”, he declared.

Putin’s three Latin American allies

Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua, political and economic allies of Russia in the region, expressed their support for Putin.

“Venezuela announces its full support for President Vladimir Putin in defense of peace in Russia, in defense of peace in that region and in the courageous defense of his people,” announced President Nicolás Maduro in a televised appearance.

He argued that “the North American empire and NATO intend through military means to finish off Russia, stop Russia and put an end to this multipolar world that is already a reality”.

El presidente electo de Chile, Gabriel Boric
Cuba, a former ally of the Soviet Union, has strengthened its ties with Russia.

Cuba, for its part, affirmed that Russia has “the right to defend itself” and urged NATO to meet its demand for “security guarantees”, according to Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez.

The foreign minister spoke on during a visit to Havana by Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin on Wednesday, a day after Moscow agreed to restructure Cuba’s 2 debt.300 million dollars with Russia.

Finally, the president of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, expressed his support for Putin and accused the United States and NATO of threatening the security of the Slavic country.

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