Monday, September 30

Mexican Army endorses its security commitment with AMLO


By: EFE Updated 09 Feb 2022, 15: 43 pm EST

The Mexican Army endorsed its commitment to the president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, to defend the nation, guarantee internal security and help the population in cases of disasters.

During the 109 anniversary of the so-called Loyalty March, a military tradition in which Mexican leaders pay tribute to the Armed Forces, Agustín Radilla, Undersecretary of National Defense, pointed out that just as the Mexican Army more than a century ago has a commitment to the president.

“With that same commitment, demonstrated by the cadets in 1913, today’s military will continue to carry out the important tasks of defending the nation, guaranteeing internal security, assisting in cases of public need and support the population when disasters occur”, the military specified.

And highlights có that the president has the Armed Forces “to participate in projects aimed at the security, progress and well-being of our people.”

Radilla pointed out that the Army will always act with “promptness” and making all human and material resources available to the best causes in Mexico and reaffirmed that the institution represented by López Obrador “will continue to have the support of the Armed Forces as we have historically done.”

Remembered that in 2023 two centuries of the existence of the Military College will be celebrated and stressed that this is where Army officers are trained under strict rules of conduct, principles and values ​​”that cannot and should not be broken.”

And reaffirmed the institution’s commitment to respect the Constitution, the legally constituted powers and human rights.

The Loyalty March refers to the column escort of honor given by the Cadets of the Military College on February 9, 1913 to President Francisco I. Madero, who sought to move from the Chapultepec Castle to the National Palace.

Thus, the cadets sought to support the Executive Power in the face of the uprising of retired generals Manuel Mondragón, Bernardo Reyes and Felix Diaz.

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