Sunday, September 22

John Kerry assures that the US respects Mexico's sovereignty in the face of AMLO's Energy Reform

John Kerry se reúne con el canciller de México Marcelo Ebrard en la Ciudad de México.
John Kerry meets with Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard in Mexico City.

Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mexico / copyright

La Opinión

For: Real America News Updated 09 Feb 2022, 12: 34 pm EST

The White House Presidential Special Envoy for Climate, John Kerry, stated during his visit to Mexico that The United States “fully respects the sovereignty of Mexico”, when speaking of the Energy Reform promoted by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

“We fully respect the sovereignty of Mexico. I know that the president has begun to make some reforms that are important for him and for his country and what we want to do is work with Mexico to reinforce (…) and strengthen the possibility that the market be open, competitive”, Kerry stated in a message at the headquarters of the Mexican Foreign Ministry.

“And we hope to do this at a time when the president continues to work on these reforms,” Kerry said in a meeting with Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard.

The controversial Electricity Reform

This initiative for constitutional reform in energy matters, sent to the Legislature last September, causes controversy because it would limit the 46% private participation in electricity generation to favor the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE), em State dam.

In addition, it would eliminate autonomous energy regulators, review previous contracts and prioritize CFE fossil plants over private renewables .

Kerry’s visit follows the trip on 21 of January from the Secretary of Energy of the United States, Jennifer Granholm, who in a message expressed Washington’s “concerns” about the “potential negative impact” of the electricity reform promoted by the president.

In a much more conciliatory tone, Kerry said on Wednesday: “The United States is prepared to help in every possible way and not because it benefits us but because we all we are in this together”.

Kerry was convinced that with the joint effort between nations it will be possible for Mexico to promote the electrification of its vehicles or the new and energies, also satisfying the “needs of the industry”.

“Worldwide countries are moving quickly using renewable energy and we have an opportunity to work jointly to lead this transformation,” said Kerry, who said that Mexico’s role is very relevant for the region.

On his turn Prior to the meeting between delegations, Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard stressed that “certainly” Mexico will join the “efforts” against the climate crisis, and thanked the “respect” for sovereignty shown by the United States.

An intense journey

Following a visit to southeastern Mexico in October, John Kerry began her second trip to Mexico with a visit this ma rtes to the northwestern Mexican state of Baja Californiaa, where he reviewed electrical matters with local authorities, as explained to the media by the head of the Unit for Latin America North of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Roberto Velasco.

Later, he arrived in Mexico City at night, where he was received by Velasco who explained that there are several issues “on the table”, among them what was agreed at the North American Leaders Summit last November on the strategy to control methane gas emissions, climate change goals and joint efforts or the electrification of the automotive industry.

With information from Efe.

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