Sunday, July 7

Five suspects are linked to a trial by a judge for the case of the dead baby introduced to the Puebla prison

The Opinion



The five detainees will remain in preventive detention as a prevalent precautionary measure, while the complementary investigation will have a term of three months, until next May 5

El cuerpo del bebé Tadeo fue sustraído ilegalmente de su sepulcro en el panteón de San Nicolás Tolentino, en Ciudad de México.
The body of baby Tadeo was illegally removed from his tomb in the pantheon of San Nicolás Tolentino, in Ciudad from Mexico.

Photo: Reforma Agency

La Opinión

La OpiniónEl cuerpo del bebé Tadeo fue sustraído ilegalmente de su sepulcro en el panteón de San Nicolás Tolentino, en Ciudad de México.

For: The opinion Updated 09 Feb 2022, 02: 46 pm EST

La Opinión

A control judge linked the Accused for the introduction of baby Tadeo to the San Miguel prison , which were distributed in various federal and local centers for social rehabilitation, low and maximum security.
During the hearing that was held by videoconference a, a control judge ordered Jessica Velázquez Zambrano, Nadia Carolina García Manzano, Antonio Soto Chávez, Gerardo Hernández Hernández, and Sergio Zetina de Jesús to be linked to trials. The social representation informed them that are accused of crimes against the general health law for illegally obtaining a corpse
, in addition to violations of the laws and regulations on burials and exhumations, concealment and criminal association. The five detainees will remain in preventive detention as a prevalent precautionary measure, while the complementary investigation will have a term of three months, until next May 5.
Antonio Soto Chávez, who apparently requested the introduction of the baby’s body , received it and hid it, he will continue to be imprisoned in the Federal Center for Social Rehabilitation (Cefereso) in Chiapas, to which he was sent since his arrest.
Jessica Velázquez Zambrano, the custody that allowed the entry of the body; Nadia Carolina, a frequent visitor who reportedly moved the body; and Gerardo, the custodian accused of collaborating in the events, will remain in the Tepexi de Rodríguez Cereso. While Sergio Zetina de Jesús, who deposited the body in the garbage container, will continue in the San Miguel prison, in the capital of Puebla. On February 3, the State Attorney General’s Office (FGE) of Puebla reported the apprehension of the five accused, who are the main suspects of introducing, ordering and allowing the presence of the exhumed body of the baby in the San Miguel prison.The 31 last January, the government of Puebla announced that four of the 21 public servants who were detained in this case were released, since that sufficient evidence was not provided to be linked to the process.