Sunday, September 29

Briton allegedly raped a woman aboard United Airlines flight from Newark to London

La mujer de 40 años le dijo a la tripulación de cabina que fue agredida sexualmente mientras estaba en clase ejecutiva.
The wife of 40 years old told cabin crew that she was sexually assaulted while in business class.

Photo: Drew Angerer / Getty Images

La Opinión

For: Real America News Updated 09 Feb 2022 , 14: 54 pm EST

A British man allegedly raped a woman during a United Airlines overnight flight from New Jersey to London, police said.

The wife of 40 years old told the cabin crew that she was sexually assaulted while I was in business class when the other passengers were sleeping on the flight from 14 January from Newark to Airport from Heathrow, reported the 7News chain.

“Heathrow Airport Police have been alerted to an incident on an incoming flight,” a Metropolitan Police spokesman told the station. “Officers encountered the plane upon arrival and arrested a man from 40 years on suspicion of rape”.

Subsequently, the defendant was released pending further investigation.

He was sitting in a separate row from the woman, who reported the incident to crew members so they could alert police before landing, 7News reported.

Heathrow Police conducted a forensic search of the executive cabin after the man was arrested.

Investigators also scanned her fingerprints and a DNA sample, reported the British tabloid The Sun.

The woman, also British, was taken to a rape counseling center, where police interviewed her about the harrowing mid-air attack.

The man and the woman They were apparently strangers, but had been chatting and drinking together in the corridors of the aircraft, a source told the Sun.

“The woman said that She was raped by the passenger during the flight while others were sleeping,” the source said.

“She was distressed and reported it to the cabin staff, who radioed the police , which waited for the aggressor while the plane landed”.

Passengers on the business class flight paid approximately $4,000 dollars for the trip, according to the Sun.

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