Monday, September 16

Lies are what sink journalism in Mexico

The work was carried out by the ‘non-profit’ organization called Mexicans Against Corruption and Impunity (MCCI) and the LatinUS portal, the latter criticized in the past by Aristegui herself for its lack of journalistic ethics due to stagings and statements made by Carlos Loret de Mola, its owner, which have led him to lose all credibility in the audience.

For its part, the organization Mexicans Against Corruption is financed by the United States United and founded by Claudio X. González, a businessman, who time and time again has used all his economic power and influence to counteract the president’s policies that no longer allow his companies, such as Kimberly Clark, to benefit from the public treasury.

Even X. González was one of the protagonists to unite the three parties (PRI, PAN, PRD) against the National Regeneration Movement (MORENA).

If we consider both organizations, neither LatinUS nor Mexicans against corruption are sufficiently trusted by the majority of the Mexican people. That is why, to spread their pseudo-investigation, they needed a voice like Aristegui’s space, which although it is far from being the journalistic representation that it once was, it is a more serious site with more penetration among citizens.

Therefore, in the following days, President López Obrador exhibited both personalities in one of his morning conferences, but mainly Aristegui; the main objective of that presidential reaction was to tell the people of Mexico that it is not worth lying, that you can criticize, but not deceive the Mexicans.

Unfortunately, based on some papers that he has presented Aristegui in recent times, and given the number of antilopezobradorist voices to which she gives space on her program “Aristegui Noticias”, the journalist has shown that she is no longer committed to the truth, a situation that has generated a large number of Mexicans don’t listen to her anymore.

These criticisms of López Obrador struck a chord with Aristegui, who replied that it is not worth using the power of the presidential pulpit and money from the public treasury to “attack” freedom of expression and herself, considering that the credibility and reputation of the journalist is the greatest asset that a communicator can have.

Here we can mention that President López Obrador is using the resources and the presidency to combat the infodemic that has affected the Mexican people so much, and that is plausible and a duty of the president.

AMLO has not issued orders to fire a single journalist as former presidents Enrique Peña did before Grandson and Felipe Calderon. We could say that right now there is more freedom of expression in Mexico than at any other time; but, once again, it is the same detractors of the president who insist that the president’s criticism “increases” violence against journalists.

The reality is that most journalists who shout that “there is no” freedom of expression are those who never leave their offices and spend their time criticizing, with a large number of lies, half-truths and news out of context. But no one tells them anything. However, not to speak the truth, his biggest challenge is the reply of the President in “La mañanera”. In that case, it is not the president, but the reporters or news presenters themselves who are placed in that situation by failing to commit to their profession: spreading the truth.

Aristegui cannot appear as a victim when on several occasions, far from criticizing the current administration with solid foundations, he simply joins the chorus of discredited communicators who have shady interests to hit the president without foundations. She even tries to wash their faces in her presentation of an informative monstrosity that does not reach the category of reportage and says that “journalistic work” should not be dismissed, despite acknowledging in that same video the intentions of Claudio X. González about the current government.

That is why the president underlines that it is time for definitions, that a media outlet that calls itself “independent”, such as Aristegui’s, does more harm to a society. when in reality it is not, that a media such as LatinUS, created to hit President López Obrador, but whom the population has already identified as a liar. And now the majority of the people do not believe either Aristegui or Loret.

If we want to advance in a fairer democracy for all Mexicans, journalism is fundamental. But it has to be honest journalism, without factual interests, the one that only seeks to misinform and, in this case, for the population to lose confidence in President López Obrador, and make him look like another corrupt person, in order to facilitate the path to the opposition in 2024.

Agustín Durán is editor of the Metro section of Real America News , in Los Angeles.