Wednesday, September 18

NATO: Russian military deployment in Belarus due to tension in Ukraine is the largest since the Cold War

Jens Stoltenberg, secretario general de la OTAN.
Jens Stoltenberg, Secretary General of NATO.

Photo: JOHN THYS / AFP / Getty Images


For: EFE Updated 03 Feb 2022, 9: 57 am EST

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg warned this Thursday that the deployment of Russian troops in Belarus, Ukraine’s neighbor, in recent days is “the largest” that Moscow has carried out since the Cold War.

“They wait 35,000 combat troops, Spetsnaz -special operations forces-, fighters including Su-35, dual-capable Iskander missiles and S-air defense systems 400″, Stoltenberg said in a statement to the press at the Alliance headquarters, in which warned that it is a “wide range of modern military capabilities.”

In short, he stated that this “significant movement of forces inside Belarus” seen in recent days is “the largest Russian deployment since and the Cold War”.

In addition, Stoltenberg warned that this deployment “combines” with the Russia’s annual nuclear exercise scheduled for February.

Between the 10 and the 20 February Moscow and Minsk have agreed to hold joint military exercises.

The Allied Secretary General spoke in a statement to the press after meeting with the Prime Minister of North Macedonia, Dimitar Kovacevski.

“NATO continues to ask Russia to lower the tension. Any new Russian aggression would have severe consequences and will carry a high price”, he warned.

The Norwegian politician assured that the Atlantic Alliance is willing to get involved in a “meaningful dialogue” with Moscow and has already sent written proposals to Russia.

“The allies are prepared to address NATO- Russia, how to reduce risks and increase transparency, and arms control and non-proliferation”, he explained.

In any case, he made it clear that NATO “will not compromise fundamental principles” , and specifically referred to the “right of each country to choose its own path” and “NATO’s ability to protect and defend all allies”.

“We are committed to finding a political solution to the crisis, but we have to be prepared for the worst”, he added.

Stoltenberg also referred to this Wednesday’s announcement by the United States that it will deploy 3,000 additional troops in Germany, Poland and Romania in the face of the Russian threat.

“It is a powerful sign of the commitment of the United States … and adds to other recent US contributions to our shared security,” he said, referring to also putting a carrier strike group under NATO command in the Mediterranean and providing 8,500 soldiers in high readiness for the Alliance Response Force.

Stoltenberg recalled that they have already put the NATO Response Force on alert and is considering deploying additional battalions to the southeastern part of the Alliance.

Similarly, he welcomed recent Allied offers for better ar the deterrence and defense of NATO “with more troops, more ships and planes”.

“NATO unites Europe and North America to deal with the current crisis. We are strong, we are determined and united in our response”, he concluded.

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