Monday, September 30

What foot injuries can sports cause?

Running, jumping, hitting or kicking a ball are actions that we commonly carry out when we play sports.

Although practicing them is necessary for a healthy lifestyle, experts warn that, by increasing the risk of impact, demanding unexpected movements or involuntarily subjecting the joints, bones, and ligaments to excessive loads, can cause various injuries, especially in the feet. Find out here which are the most common, their characteristics and what to do to treat them.

Ankle sprain

Ankle sprain is one of the most common sports injuries.

The ankle joint connects the foot to the leg and allows it to move up, down, in and out. There are muscles, tendons, and ligaments that surround the ankle, providing the stability the joint needs for walking and running.

An ankle sprain occurs when these ligaments are overstretched or torn, usually by forcing the ankle. joint to move into an unnatural position.

The most common symptoms of ankle sprains are:

  • Joint or muscle pain .
  • Swelling.
  • Joint stiffness.
  • Changes in skin color.

To treat this condition, the health professional may recommend:

  • Apply ice immediately to reduce swelling (not directly on the affected area, but wrapped in a cloth).
  • Firmly wrap a bandage around the affected area, but not tight, to limit movement. The use of a splint (splint) may also be recommended.
  • Keep the swollen joint elevated (above heart level) even when sleeping.
  • Avoid putting weight on the joint.


Fracture occurs when more pressure is applied to a bone than it can withstand, and Consequently, the bone splits or breaks. In case the fractured bone breaks the skin, it is called an open fracture.

A stress or overload fracture occurs due to prolonged application or repetitive force on the bone, which ends up weakening it until it breaks.

  • What can be done after an ankle fracture

The three main options for the treatment of bone fractures are:

  • Immobilization with splint.
  • Open reduction and internal fixation: requires surgery, rods, plates or screws are used to repair the bone, which are remain fixed under the skin.
  • Open reduction and external fixation: requires surgery, a device is placed outside the skin to support the bone and keep it in position correct while it consolidates.
  • Plantar fasciitis

    Another common sports injury is plantar fasciitis, a condition that occurs when the plantar fascia becomes inflamed or swollen. This is the thick tissue found on the bottom of the foot, it connects the calcaneus (heel bone) to the toes and creates the arch of the foot.

    The symptoms of plantar fasciitis are usually pain and stiffness in the lower part of the heel, usually during the first steps of the day, after standing up after sitting for a long time, or when walking, running or doing physical activity .

    To treat this condition, the health professional may recommend:

    • Rest for at least one week.
    • Perform heel and foot stretching exercises.
    • Take acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) to reduce pain and inflammation.
    • Wear night splints while sleeping.
    • Wear shoes with good support and cushioning.

    Morton’s Neuroma

    Morton’s neuroma or neuralgia is an injury to the nerve between the toes (usually involving the nerve that runs between the third and fourth toes). Among the most common symptoms are:

    • Tingling in the space between the third and fourth toes.
    • Cramps in the toes.
    • Intense or stabbing pain in or around the toes, which usually worsens with time or when wearing tight shoes.

To treat this condition, the health professional may recommend:

  • Put tape on the area of ​​the affected toe.
  • Modify the footwear used, opting for toe caps wider for the toes or lower heels.
  • Refer to physiotherapy.
  • Take anti-inflammatory or nerve-blocking medications.
  • Use shoe inserts.
  • In some cases, surgery may be necessary to remove the thickened tissue and the inflamed nerve do. This helps relieve pain and improves foot function.


    Onychocryptosis, better known as ingrown or embedded nail, is a condition that causes the toenails (especially the big toe) ) are embedded within the tissue. Among the most common symptoms are:

    • Pain, which in many cases it can prevent daily activities.
    • Swelling.
    • Redness.

    To treat this condition, the health professional may recommend:

    • Soak the affected foot in warm water to reduce swelling and sensitivity.
    • Use antibiotic creams.
    • Use analgesics, such as paracetamol ( Tylenol and others), ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others) and naproxen sodium (Aleve), for pain relief.
    • Wear comfortable shoes, so as not to worsen the toe’s condition.

    If these measures are insufficient, professional procedures can be resorted to, such as lifting the nails, partially removing the nail, or partially remove the nail and tissue.

    Athlete’s foot

    Athlete’s foot or foot fungus (Tinea pedis) is a fungal infection that usually originates and develops between the toes. This condition should not be confused with onychomycosis, which occurs when the fungus infects but is limited to the toenails.

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    • Athlete’s foot is characterized by a reddish, scaly rash that usually begins between the fingers. In some cases, you can even see blisters or ulcers.

      It can affect only one foot, both and also spread to the hand, especially if you scratch it, since it is contagious. It is usually transmitted by floors, clothing, towels or contaminated surfaces.

      Normally, it occurs from wearing tight or wet shoes or socks for a long time (something very common when doing sports).

      To treat this condition, your health care professional may recommend:

      • Over-the-counter antifungal creams or powders , which contain miconazole, clotrimazole, terbinafine or tolnaftate.
      • Wash your feet well with soap and water, and thoroughly dry the area with plenty of water. watch out.
      • Keep your feet clean and dry, especially between the toes.
      • Wear clean cotton socks, and change them regularly if necessary.
      • Wear sandals or flip-flops in showers public.
      • Wear shoes that are well ventilated and made of a natural material, such as leather.
      • Achilles tendonitis

        Achilles tendonitis is a condition that occurs when the tendon that connects the back of the leg to the heel becomes inflamed. We use this tendon, called the Achilles tendon, to walk, run or jump.

        Achilles tendinitis can cause pain in the heel and along the tendon when walking or running. It may also be swollen, hot, and feel particularly painful or stiff in the morning.

        To treat this condition, your health care professional may recommend:

        • Decrease or stop activities that cause pain.
        • Refer to a physiotherapist to indicate exercises to relieve discomfort.
        • Wear orthopedic devices, such as a boot or splint, to keep the tendon and heel immobile.
        • Wear comfortable shoes.
        • Take anti-inflammatories.
        • If these treatments do not improve symptoms, surgery may be needed to remove the inflamed tissue and abnormal areas of the tendon.

          Last advice

          Although practicing sports or physical activity regularly can increase the risk of suffering from the problems previously developed, this does not mean that you should eliminate them from your routine.

          Experts recommend exercising as part of a healthy lifestyle, as it helps combat sedentary lifestyle, and with it, hundreds of affections. Just remember to take some precautions to reduce the risk of injury:

          • Stretch correctly before and after physical activity.
          • Work on a good technique when doing sports.
          • Do not neglect any injury or injury that has occurred during exercise.
          • To remember:

            Until there is significant scientific evidence from human trials, individuals interested in using herbal therapies and supplements should exercise extreme caution.

            Do not abandon or modify your medications or treatments, talk to your doctor first about the potential effects of alternative or complementary therapies.

            Remember, the medicinal properties of herbs and supplements can also interact with prescription drugs, other herbs and supplements, and even alter your diet.

            Consulted sources: Library US National Medicine, Mayo Clinic, National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases.