Friday, September 20

Republican Governor Scorns Trump's Promise to Pardon Jan. 6 Protesters

El gobernador republicano está en desacuerdo con la idea de Trump de los indultos a asaltantes del Capitolio
The Republican governor disagrees with Trump’s idea of ​​pardoning Capitol assailants

Photo: Scott Eisen / Getty Images

The Republican Governor of New Hampshire, Chris Sununu, put distance between him and former US President Donald Trump, stating his disagreement with the promise he made to pardon the protesters arrested on January 6 if he returns to the White House in 2024.

“If I apply and win, we will treat those people from 6 January fairly, we will treat them fairly, and if they require pardons, we will give them pardons because they are being treated so unfairly,” Trump said in a speech in Texas. .

Although the former president’s comments were quickly accepted by the ultra-conservatives , Governor Sununu rejected that rhetoric in an interview for CNN.

“The people who were part of the riots and, frankly, the storming of the United States Capitol must be held accountable”, he claimed. “There is a rule of law. I don’t care if you were part of burning cities and antifa in 2020 you stormed the Capitol in 2020, everyone must be held accountable,” he emphasized.

When asked in the interview if he felt the Capitol raiders should be pardoned, Sununu replied “Of course not! Oh my God, no!”

Furthermore, he was asked who some consider to be a possible candidate for the presidency of the Republican Party, if he would like Trump to support him in his re-election campaign for governor.

“I don’t need anyone to campaign with me,” he said . “I am a great believer that as a candidate you must stand on your own feet, look your fellow citizens in the eye and earn their votes like you, not props. Sponsorships are fine, and all that kind of stuff.”

He also added that, “at the end of the day, I am a big believer : Whether you are running for planning board, governor, or president, you need to look people in the eye and win the votes yourself,” Sununu concluded.

Also read:

Trump says he would consider pardons for Jan. 6 defendants if elected to a new term

House Select Committee Receives Trump Documents on Assault on Capitol Hill