Saturday, September 28

Massachusetts, northern fringe is free of the bomb cyclone

Las fuertes nevadas dejaron al menos 100,000 personas sin servicio eléctrico
Heavy snowfall left at least 100 , people without electricity

Photo: Scott Eisen / Getty Images

The electricity service was back on this Sunday night after the winter storm that hit the east coast with heavy snowfall and winds over the weekend. The officials asked for patience as neighbors banded together to help keep warm amid the freezing temperatures.

“The storm moved away from our region last night, but we hope to clear more roads… and work with our public services throughout the day today and tomorrow”, said Karun Polito, Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts.

At least a foot of snow fell in nine states from Maryland to Maine with greater quantity near the coast. While eastern Long Island, coastal Rhode Island and eastern Massachusetts received two feet of snow. Severe cold with sub-zero wind chills followed the storm in New England.

On the other hand, in Boston the snowfall reached 23, 6 inches, the snowiest January day on record and tied for the snowiest day compared to other months. Its two-day storm total of 23,8 inches ranks as the sixth largest in the city’s history.

For eight hours straight, the city endured a combination of heavy snowfall, gusts of wind over 35 mph and quarter visibility mile or less.

Authorities reported that strong winds contributed to the large blackouts, largely southeast of the state and on Cape Cod. Power is gradually flickering back in some places.

Furthermore, state officials asked residents to stay at home , but if people need to go out, the lieutenant governor called for “making plans, but being patient.”

“Not all roads are cleared exactly as they would be under normal conditions”, He said. “And if you can stay home and enjoy the day and maybe enjoy a few football games, do it.”

The Eversource company reported that more than 1,700 teams were working to repair the damage and restore the electrical service “as quickly as possible”, according to a press release.

The utility company said it expects most of its customers without power to have it back by the end of Monday. More of 50,000 customers got power back on Sunday night. At the most intense point of the storm, more than 100,000 were without light.

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