Thursday, October 3

Body of baby and human remains found in garbage processing plant in Nuevo León

In four days, workers from the Comprehensive System for Ecological Management and Waste Processing (Simeprode) found the body of a baby and some arms with painted nails among the garbage, in Salinas Victoria.

The discovery of the body of the newborn was reported last Friday around 00: 00 hours at the plant located on Fidel Velázquez street. A worker found the baby’s body in a black bag, among garbage.

According to the forensic investigation, it was determined that the baby died of a deep head and cervical contusion.

While This Monday another worker found some arms in a black backpack . It was said that the extremities were covered with long black sleeves with the legend Looney Tunes.

The extremities are white and had painted nails, in addition to the fact that on his right arm he had a tattoo of the letter E, a Mickey Mouse and the letters M, A and B.

Agents from the Homicide Group of the Ministerial Police carry out the investigations.