Friday, September 20

Missouri mistakenly sent an alert to its inhabitants regarding Batman

Missouriers who are fans of Batman had a somewhat fantastic and surreal experience after this Tuesday night later a message arrived on their cell phones, which left more than one stunned.

It turns out that at 4: 52 pm last 18 January, hundreds of cell phones received an emergency alert which read as follows: “GOTHAM CITY MO PURPLE/GREEN 1978 DODGE 3700 GT MO UKIDME”.

Those who know Batman know perfectly well that the alert issued refers to the car that was driven by the Joker’s henchmen in the famous movie of this superhero 1989.

Fortunately, the incident was cleared up after only a couple of minutes later. The Missouri State Highway Patrol (MSHP) clarified that said alert was only a test message that was automatically sent by mistake to all cell phones registered in the state.

Finally, the misunderstanding was cleared up with another message sent by the MSHP, where it was explained what caused this curious message that many related to Batman.

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